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  1. BigEasy1


    I feel you. It sucks not to get what you paid for but Herbies can only do so much when the guberment is working hard against them. I know Herbies is legit so it sounds like a run of bad luck. Doesn't make it any easier on the wallet though.
  2. BigEasy1

    HAVE YOU TRIED SMOKE FILTERED JOINT? or emptied a cigarette for weed does filters the THC?

    I don't know how much THC if any that it filters out but I see people use that technique in semi-public places where discretion is desired. They make these plastic slider machines that holds the paper tube then injects whatever you put in the chamber. Looks like a real life store bought cigarette.
  3. BigEasy1

    A President Has Never Been So wrong!

    That only applies if you are English. Since you are American, WTF are you talking about?
  4. BigEasy1

    A President Has Never Been So wrong!

    Hey UncleBuck, did you see where I exposed your special friend LondonFog as the bigot he is?
  5. BigEasy1


    That rant doesn't change the fact they are Socialists.
  6. BigEasy1


    Because they're Socialists, yeah.
  7. BigEasy1


    Uh, Facebook.
  8. BigEasy1

    A President Has Never Been So wrong!

    Really? If that's the best thing you can come up with you might want to leave this one to the men. Now go get your shoe shine box, boy.
  9. BigEasy1

    A President Has Never Been So wrong!

    Honestly UncleBuck, and with all your bigotry aside; do you think it's fair that a country should rely on one family to do as much as the Bush's have done then dare to ask Jeb to come in and clean up after the disastrous Obama presidency? Haven't the Bush's already done enough for the American...
  10. BigEasy1

    I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..

    I don't get why people like UncleBuck, LondonFog, Pinworm, etc are so hung up on race. Why can't people just be judged by their merit? These guys are just hellbent on making race the subject of every conversation. Grow up already, skin color isn't what made you into losers.
  11. BigEasy1

    how did you do in 2014?

    I'm doing quite well. Retirement pays better than I anticipated. Did quite a bit of traveling in 2014. Got to see a bit of Europe. The only complaint I have is Obama. I'm sure I'd have done better under a Bush.
  12. BigEasy1

    A President Has Never Been So wrong!

    When does amateur hour end? For the love of God please send us another Bush.
  13. BigEasy1

    relationship question

    Never happened to me.
  14. BigEasy1

    AMA - UncleBuck

    Being rejected for military service is NOT deciding against joining. Tell us more about your ASVAB score.
  15. BigEasy1

    Barney's sweet tooth auto any info?

    I grew one indoors under a BlackStar 270 Chrome in a five gallon fabric pot using Canna Nutrients and got an even 150 grams trimmed, manicured, and dried. Good yielder and it smokes great.
  16. BigEasy1

    I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..

    That might have been me. UncleBuck and LondonFog deny my blackness every chance they get. Black folks go to school damn racists.
  17. BigEasy1

    grow room

    Yea man, one plant (even an auto) grown right will keep in personal stash for a few months.
  18. BigEasy1


    When I was a kid. I haven't seen the dude in 20 years or more.
  19. BigEasy1

    Arctic apples!

    Road apples are always brown.
  20. BigEasy1

    grow room

    Yep, start small and work your way up. Depending on budget you could buy an Area 51 and keep adding them as you learn.