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  1. chiefmaster

    whats wrong with my plant????

    I give it a little more thn a half gallon of water evrynight.... so i jus t spread the mulch around the base of the plant???
  2. chiefmaster

    whats wrong with my plant????

    Theres about 4 or 5 leaves on the bottom that are doing it. So should i jus give it less water evryday or water it evry other day???
  3. chiefmaster

    whats wrong with my plant????

    If i dnt water it everyday it starts wilting alot because been ovr a 100 degrees evryday here
  4. chiefmaster

    whats wrong with my plant????

    Its outdoors in plain dirt, the only thing i do to it is i water it every night and once a week i put miracle grow plant food on u think the miracle grow plant food is what is causing this??
  5. chiefmaster

    whats wrong with my plant????

    My plants leaves are turning yellow and dying frm the bottom up
  6. chiefmaster

    Spots on leaves please help!!!!!!

    Ok thanks for the info bro. So do u think the miracle grow plant food is what made those spots? because thts all ive used. I use about half a gallon evry thursday.
  7. chiefmaster

    Spots on leaves please help!!!!!!

    Hi everyone This is my first attempt at growing. Im growing outdoors my baby is about 2 and a half months old. Its 3ft tall. But it started getting some brownish color dry spots on a few leaves the only things ive done to it is i put miracle grow plant food on it once a week and ive sprayed...