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  1. goofygolfer

    Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

    i ll be following along . lots of good info here esp. about the cmh
  2. goofygolfer

    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    sure i ll stop by and get caught up , and no i have nothing going just yet but soon i ll get something going
  3. goofygolfer

    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    sweet and super smooth . well worth the effort .
  4. goofygolfer

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    :clap::weed::hump:kiss-ass I THINK THAT ABOUT SUMS IT UP
  5. goofygolfer

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    kiss-ass:mrgreen::joint: nice bro congrats
  6. goofygolfer

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    way to go bro hold off if you can lol . harvest time make's all that hard work worth it
  7. goofygolfer

    1Badmasonmans 3rd grow 1st journal BC seeds The Purps.

    sounds like everone is having that problem . hopefully they'll have it straightened out soon
  8. goofygolfer

    Mandala - Safari Mix - 250w

    satori is looking good . whats your temps like ?
  9. goofygolfer

    DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...

    i'm on board .thats the kind of info i would like to hear
  10. goofygolfer

    1Badmasonmans 3rd grow 1st journal BC seeds The Purps.

    awesome and you are right the sun is the best hps ever . shouldnt have to worry about over crowding. i love the tp bro + rep if i can
  11. goofygolfer

    Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)

    :hump: nice bro. kepp up the good work
  12. goofygolfer

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    oh man looks like they are getting close keep up the good work
  13. goofygolfer

    DillWeed's 2009 fall grow journal: BLUEBERRY, VIOLATOR KUSH, SENSI STAR and more...

    due tell chum my curiosity is about to get the better of me :bigjoint:
  14. goofygolfer

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    in case i missed it sorry in advance. what kind of nutes are you using and at what ppms or ec level are you using
  15. goofygolfer

    DoeEyed's Perpetual Grow Log

    vBulletin Message You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DoeEyed again. i thought i rep you a little but i 'm able you 've got it down pat .
  16. goofygolfer

    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    yep it sure does .but feels better to have my own bud to smoke. :hump:
  17. goofygolfer

    Shnkrmn gets wet: 2010 Ebb and Grow multiple Strains

    harvest time got to love it . it looks good bro way to go congrats
  18. goofygolfer

    Blueberry, Sharksbreath, LSD, Kushberry and Red Dragon 600W Homemade Cabinet Grow

    sorry to hear about the nanners bro .thats sux anyhoo , they look great and ready to harvest.
  19. goofygolfer

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    nice vid . the girls are looking good i think you are going to have a bumber crop
  20. goofygolfer

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    now grow and great harvest congrats on that . ppp puts it out and andhas a distinct flavor and smell once cured its smooth as silk great smoker you will love it.