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  1. MaloMAL

    Day 3 - Indoor DWC. HELP ! NO new leaf growth !

    Thank you for making the time and effort to respond. I have theories that have coincided with your advice. I was adding low temp waters at a minimal proportion. To avoid damaging roots. I was also waiting until tomorrow being my 10th day due for reservoir change to rectify the water temperature...
  2. MaloMAL

    Day 3 - Indoor DWC. HELP ! NO new leaf growth !

    lol yea man no issue they'll be waking up soon. Lights are off. Sweet & critical
  3. MaloMAL

    Day 3 - Indoor DWC. HELP ! NO new leaf growth !

    Apparently your correct. I am trying all I can to keep the temperatures low. I'm aware as too why this has occurred. I will avoid it on my next res change tomorrow. I have been adding droplets of tarantula to avoid bacteria growth during the meanwhile. Root check for 5 plants were fine, 1 plant...
  4. MaloMAL

    Day 3 - Indoor DWC. HELP ! NO new leaf growth !

    What would you like too see exactly ?
  5. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    I added 2 droplets of tarantula per each gallon. Then Mixed 1mL of tarantula in a 12oz. Ph. Adjusted Self made nutrient recipe that has proven to increase my growth these past 2 days alone. Concluded with a top feed of 8mL of this mixture per plant.
  6. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    I wasn't sure what he meant. I couldn't find information online either
  7. MaloMAL

    Tarantula - SUGGESTIONS on amounts to ADD ¿ keep or kick ¿

    Hey man thanks for you advice. I didn't think I was going to get a response haha. I will be doing so soon. I must drip my buckets first. Top off with adjusted supplement nutrients since I started very very low. Then I'll be adding the tarantula. I'll conclude with adjusting the Ph. , Testing...
  8. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Yes I am fighting temps at this range. I have been rereading my journal and I found that when I initially filled the res last Monday the water was temped at 85.6. Which is why I think highly believe at this point that if i change the water with colder water I won face these issues. If my temp on...
  9. MaloMAL

    Tarantula - SUGGESTIONS on amounts to ADD ¿ keep or kick ¿

    I'm using beneficial microbes for my first time today. I've been have water temperature issues. It's been difficult to keep my F below 79. In these conditions anything can grow and kill the stock. I was advised as a DWC newbie to use "bennies" as a way to combat bacteria growth during times I'm...
  10. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Ima be honest with you I get so many conflicting informawhen it comes to DWC. Some folks told me to keep my Net and inch - 2inches submerged in water. Only during the first 2 weeks of transfer then lower the water. Now I'm advised to reduce it immediately. lol you see how I could b confused as...
  11. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Thank you I will look into the costs. Any suggestions for a 6x3gallon ~ 2.75 gallon filled ?
  12. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Your saying add bleach to reduce water temperature?
  13. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    I must wait until my roots gain a stronger system. The roots a still have not been finding their ways down the below. I have been keeping the water afloat until I get a root system suitable to induce an aeroponic/hydroponic system. Does tarantula from advanced nutrients work similar to the...
  14. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Yes they are about an 1.5 inch within the net. When you say beneficials, what do you mean ? None right now they're very small at this stage. They were germinated 12/10/16. I thought that my leaf growth was an issue but I was told give it time. In which I am doing.
  15. MaloMAL

    DWC water TEMP issues - DAY 6 SUGGESTIONS- photo incl. HELP !

    Small fan set on ground blowing at base as an attempt to cool the water. Water temped @77F.... 6x3gallon 2.75gallon filled. What should I do too keep my temperature at levels suitable in avoidance with bacteria and disease ? Suggestions if any, please ! Thanks to ALL
  16. MaloMAL

    Does BENDING seedling stage FAN LEAF promote growth ? HELP YAY or NAY.

    No I'm not offended lol I'm open to freely expressed responses. However, I'm here for information not ridicule. Either way I'm glad to receive that as well. As long as it includes information helpful and useful to continue a prosperous cannabis growth, shoot me down lol. No way I like to barter...
  17. MaloMAL

    Does BENDING seedling stage FAN LEAF promote growth ? HELP YAY or NAY.

    I have re read the portion where you stated "obviously wealthy" . I must admit that this give me much pride in my dialect as it has displayed upon you that I am of high class. Lmfao however, I'm poor as fuck. I'm young Latino who makes no more than 26k a year in a low requirement job. I purchase...
  18. MaloMAL

    Does BENDING seedling stage FAN LEAF promote growth ? HELP YAY or NAY.

    Will the tarantula I have from advanced nutrients work compatibly to your recommended product ? Also I never add what they recommend lol I know from experience in my own garden not to follow their schedules unless proven to work with my specific crop. Yes I have notice the fluctuations as I have...
  19. MaloMAL

    Pictures - DWC transfer suggestions HELP ? Day 3 Germination Sprout. 12/27/2016

    Yea I have been doing that I believe it is referred as the "drip method" . It was freed and advice to me by a master cannabis grower who suggested it will help improve root growth. In which it has in just 1 day of using it. Start date 12/30/16. . I can already see my roots doubling and getting...