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  1. District

    update day 12

    Looks pretty good. Very healthy.
  2. District

    19 days old

    I thinks it was the fact I started with one pot a bit higher than that and 3 hrs later i was like i cant do anymore. I think I might have enough soil to top up plus I just watered them. Why must you never do that? They are female and im doing SOG. I germed 20 expecting to lose some but in the...
  3. District

    19 days old

    Hey bro's just an update on the grow. The MH is now at 1000w and I have just repotted into biobizz allmix with a little superthrive. The biobizz site said I do not need to add any feed for two weeks is this accurate. Also how do they look for 19 days. As always any pointers or suggestions will...
  4. District

    First grow, help..

    Yeah thats the one. Ita a miracle man. A miracle.
  5. District

    Day 23(week 3)vegging w/ pictures!!

    Just done red cup repot on 18 plants...3hrs!!!! Im thinking paper cup next time.
  6. District

    First grow, help..

    Hey bro, u know how some people who can't have kids cant believe people have abortions. Imagine how someone with a shit first grow experience feels about your last post.
  7. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    Dont remember much reading material coming with the digilux. Spose I'll have to get on that shit and get the fan and filter up. Dont be mad bro's I know it should have been done already.
  8. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    To be honest ive just got the filter and exhaust to put up which will take considerably less time and effort than repotting. Its a rhino rvk combo but I noticed alot of carbon in the packaging and ive heard stories about the fan blowing out carbon for a while. Not looking forward to that.
  9. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    To be sure to be sure got mh 2ft away currently 28.4 without exhaust fan. Is repotting always do time consuming 18 plants.
  10. District

    Weird leaf doesn't look like a weed leaf

    As It grows you'll find that appearance will be on the outside edge of the leaf but all new leaf growth will be normal
  11. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    Thanks situation that was a really good read. I just spent 3 hours repotting the plants and popped the glass off, lights are due on at 12.30. Ill see what it does to the temp. Thanks again.
  12. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    Situation I'm really curious as too what you were saying about MH and grow technicalities I'm all ears. Thanks everyone for your input. Gonna clean the glass now.
  13. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    30% ! But you need the air to work the filter. Perhaps I should should remove the glass and crank it up too super lumen maybe the extra heat will compensate.
  14. District

    LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment

    So much to learn bro's. I've never even heard of mainlining, looks too be some form of LST. Looks gooduntarg...why are your walls black?
  15. District

    Removing glass from air cooled hood.

    Hey bro's I write this in the dark as a mozzy buzzes around me anxiously waiting till I fall asleep. Rather than comb the room with a toothpick trying to find it I thought I'd ask a question. I think my 400cfm fan is more than capable of keeping my cherubs cool. They are 17 days old and I was...
  16. District

    24 hour dark????

    I read somewhere too leave for 36 hours before flower Hope that helps.
  17. District

    Veg light cycle.

    Thanks bro's
  18. District

    Veg light cycle.

    Hey bro's Just would like opinions on veg light cycles. Currently my light on times fluctuate anywhere from 18 hrs too 22. The lights off never exceeds 6 though. I know during flower you must be strict 12/12 but in veg should I be more discipline. BTW I have a timer just haven't yet used it...
  19. District

    16 days old

    Mine are from Herbie seeds hows your grow coming on?
  20. District

    16 days old

    Mine are from Herbie seeds.