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  1. K

    Help with intermittent fault on a CXB3590 panel

    I don't think it’s a loose connection. Nothing has been moved or yanked on. The only movement has been the panel being raised & lowered which does not put much strain on any of the connections. Plus, I tend to over engineer everything which in theory sounds great, until you try to take it apart...
  2. K

    Help with intermittent fault on a CXB3590 panel

    Thanks @ANC. I did check the connections at the cob end today but neglected to check the driver end before the 2 in question came back on. Will break out the multi-meter go full exploratory on it at next lights on.
  3. K

    Help with intermittent fault on a CXB3590 panel

    Thanks for the advice @jarvild. That's a very good idea. I should have thought of that myself! I'll test that out when its lights on again
  4. K

    Help with intermittent fault on a CXB3590 panel

    Hoping one off you more learned characters can help me with an aggravating fault I have with a DIY CXB3590 panel. I’ve had the last 2 cobs in series not light up twice now. Before I explain further I should probably give the spec. Spec: This panel is about a year & a half old & to date has...
  5. K

    London Seed Centre? Are they any good?

    Glad they came through for you pal
  6. K

    where do people buy there aluminum strips / U,L channel from? UK

    I used some aluminium u-channels from *bay. £5.26 each including delivery (1"x1"x1/8"x24"). Maybe a bit over kill but it was my first strip build so I didn't really know what to expect heat wise.
  7. K

    Ca deficiency?

    @KonopCh I meant 40-45cm hanging distance from the top of your highest cola. The distance you hang your lights above your net is irrelevant. Hanging your lights 20cm above your buds is why you are experiencing this problem. Most go with anything from 30-50cm above the tops of they're plants...
  8. K

    Ca deficiency?

    No worries @KonopCh. I’ve just dug out the old bottle of calmag I was using before I switched to Calcinit & Epsom salts. The Calmag I was using was 4.5% Calcium & 1.75% Mag (Vitalink Calmag). I used that at up to 1.5ml per litre & would take it down bit by bit to 1ml per litre towards the end of...
  9. K

    Ca deficiency?

    I grow in Autopots with cobs as well. I've seen that on my plants a few times. It's generally happened when I have run out of vertical space & my plants have got to close to my LED’s. There have been a few threads on RIU to do with hanging distances, light stress & intensity. Some people find...
  10. K

    Ca deficiency?

    What's the distance between you're leds & the canopy & what's you're ec?
  11. K

    top 5 best yielding strains ?

    Most crosses with haze will put out big time. Casey Jones is also a thoroughbred bud making machine.
  12. K

    What distance are you running your COB’s

    I've dimmed them, raised them, lowered them multiple times over multiple grows over the past year & a bit. I grow in coco from clones that are grown out in 1lt pots for about a month before being transplanted into 15lt pots. They are then vegged out for another month. Ec wise I'd be lieing if I...
  13. K

    What distance are you running your COB’s

    @wietefras I did run 25w per cob some time ago with the cobs 12" above canopy. I kept the wattage & hanging height constant nearly all the way through flowering. My plants grew very well for the bulk of the grow but right towards the end I started seeing slight discolouration on some of the...
  14. K

    London Seed Centre? Are they any good?

    Fingers crossed then. Hopefully they turned over a new leaf
  15. K

    What distance are you running your COB’s

    For me it’s around 16-18” & that’s with one cob per square foot. I have a lux meter winging its way to me as we speak but from multiple grows of the same strain I get much healthier happier plants at 16-18”. If I run with my LED’s any closer I will at some point in the grow start seeing issues.
  16. K

    London Seed Centre? Are they any good?

    Yes & no. They had some seeds advertised as in stock that I wanted. I emailed them about the seeds & they admitted that they don't actually have the seeds in stock. Not a bad experience but I did do a bit of research on them when I was considering buying from them & found a few threads online...
  17. K

    Top Shelf Elite Seeds

    Hi @Chiefstonedbear its going to be a while before I pop them as I have a few others going at the moment. They've joined the cue so to speak. I'll update you when I do though. Not very promising by the sounds of things so far. I bought the PC & Gorilla Orgasm (terrible name) photoperiods. You...
  18. K

    PLC light bar

    Censorship! We appear to be going backwards these days. Unfortunately I can actually see how our society's are going to end up like some bad syfi from the 90's where humanity is oppressed on a mass level. On a brighter note weed is at least legal in most of America so it could be worse.
  19. K

    Another strips or cobs thread

    He recons he pulls 5 to 8oz's per plant. @diyled not a bad idea. That said a 600w hps plus autocobs would probably be more wattage used than he would need if he went full led. If it were for someone growing scrog style 400-600w led would do it. From what I have read so far on a couple of...
  20. K

    Another strips or cobs thread

    I need to keep this relatively simple for this guy. Just had a quick look at the "can 700w of strips grow trees" thread you mentioned (@InTheValley). That is now on my list of things I need to look at as soon as I have time to push 19 pages in my head. This evening hopefully but it looks like...