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  1. Dolce Vita

    take the BLUE pill

    well now you have to take the blue pill. ;)
  2. Dolce Vita

    Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

    unless yall do your own research then your just kool-aid drinkers.
  3. Dolce Vita

    How do you form your political opinion?

    and what i see the most is that one side of the argument brings up good points that are true and can bed backed up with credible evidence, and the other side completely ignores their points and says there piece
  4. Dolce Vita

    Lady's 12/12 from seeds wit 400whps

    hey lady lets see some pics ;)
  5. Dolce Vita

    How do you form your political opinion?

    id hanimmal, i try to look at every issue from a non partisan pov (this is not always possible) then i decide whats right. i cant stand all the kool-aid drinkers on this site.
  6. Dolce Vita

    Become A Free Man In America.

    so is buying/smoking/growing/selling marijuana a statute or a law?
  7. Dolce Vita

    Why don't any red states have medical marijuana?

    sorry to take your kool-aid away... Wpn1gqy1a3E
  8. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    lol dude i was kidding we lost almost every battle but yall kindof gave up...
  9. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    deff will im pretty high right now tho :D but all we learned in school was britain was our mother country and they taxed the shit out of us so we kicked there ass in the rev war! lol but ill look into birtain
  10. Dolce Vita

    Become A Free Man In America.

    yes indeed it will be a hard walk, but just watch the videos about john harris, he broke free! albeit he is in england and im in the US. im watching this video right now and the first guy in the room lecturing became a freeman. i know its possible, but im just wondering actually how hard it...
  11. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    oh lol i thought it was just englishland lmao! i collect english people on xbox live. :hump:
  12. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    well the fact that you even know that means your english, right?
  13. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    ive only heard English people say mate. (british means english right?)
  14. Dolce Vita

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    m8 lol are you British?
  15. Dolce Vita

    Become A Free Man In America.

    heres another set i found to be intresting. vYL4YlAqsPY Un6HP3gRI9U q5HHz_X7kkA _XPw2YZnoNA MmNlpmAUuuU UXcIAwF0Q2g h6syC-lIo7M 2osUtjPrvY0 ssX_PP_XD8k lBaFXwlzee4 kNqEwq0V1mo of corse this is a man in brittan, and im looking to do this in the US but its the same basic theory...
  16. Dolce Vita

    Become A Free Man In America.

    thanks dude im going to deff look into this guy thanks for the vid ;) how much harder of a road is it to walk down? im planning on becoming a free man when i get out of college. can ya tell me what its like?
  17. Dolce Vita

    take the BLUE pill

    no lol unless your a sheep
  18. Dolce Vita

    21st Century Traitors

    big secret
  19. Dolce Vita

    Lady's 12/12 from seeds wit 400whps

    i think you can still make green dragon from the males? and then its like getting free seeds :D