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  1. Rooster802

    Newbie DWC

  2. Rooster802

    between these two panels, which would be better?

    I don't get it, been growing almost a year under the cheapest LEDs money can buy. And I got a full 5 oz dry off a Strawberry Cheesecake (free seed) in a 2 gallon DWC with minimal pruning grown under $70 Mars panels. Yeah, I got 4 of them in a 4x4 tent, but that is still only 540 W total in a 16...
  3. Rooster802

    Marijuana is a creature not just a plant

    what the OP is referring to is called "instinct," which is simply no more than the animal brain (sub brain, unconscious mind, etc) telling him what his plants need from observation. He is anxious when he hasn't watered his plants because they are important to him, so his "animal" brain...
  4. Rooster802

    New into DWC, a few questions. (hydro)

    If your a lazy grower, run beneficial bacteria in your DWC. I failed every time I tried sterilizers, plants are living organic material... sterilizing is much more difficult (for me anyway). But 1ml of Southern AG Garden Friendly Fungicide (or anything similar) every day into your bucket will...
  5. Rooster802

    How cold is too cold?

    A cheap ceramic heater in your basement with a built in thermostat to prevent the temperature dropping below 60 would be the obvious easy fix. If your basement is too big, then hang some blankets or tarps and fashion a small room around your 2x4 tent... like a tent inside a tent. Hell, you could...
  6. Rooster802

    Need Design Input For Planned Indoor Farm 80 plants to start.

    Just curious, why an indoor grow on this scale? Why is everyone going indoor? Its a disgusting waste of energy and resources, and the polar opposite of efficiency. Is it because of law you can't use greenhouses? Or just a field? And invest all that money saved on electric and lighting into a...
  7. Rooster802

    Sin City Seeds Thunderstuck is a Fraud

    Just saw this thread. Clueless newb here, started smoking weed for rec a few years ago on retiring from the military, realized that stuff helped with my aches and health so did some research... anyhow grew some Thunderstruck seeds for a high CBD supplement assuming that the end product would be...
  8. Rooster802

    Are they ready?

    Hey, I'm a new grower and therefore don't know not to try new things, so I was intrigued with RM3's boiling roots method. So I had a little strawberry cheesecake clone I had stuck in a one gallon fabric pot with "super" soil just to see what it would do and put it in my flower tent. Anyway...
  9. Rooster802

    Newb harvest time observation

    I think I'm just pissed and bitter that the dispensary weed that is the only legal place to get it (and is an illegal monopolistic business by law-not sure how that works) has such gross terrible product. And yet they know better, but because they also know they have a captive customer base (in...
  10. Rooster802

    Newb harvest time observation

    Good point, I was just thinking less one week equals more harvests, less power/water/nutrition consumption, etc. You would increase end profits by a minimum of 10% if you can cut a week off your grow and harvest the same weight. Advantage of hydro systems obviously. But as you pointed out, if...
  11. Rooster802

    Newb harvest time observation

    Perfect answer. Nothing wrong with personal preference. I was making an observation and posted to test the theory. I'm just trying to figure out when the consensus is the best time to harvest, because its going to take me quite a while to find out through practical application. I could be 100%...
  12. Rooster802

    Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

    Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of...
  13. Rooster802

    Newb harvest time observation

    So new grower here (naturally) with 5 plants harvested under my belt. Anyway, I have been reading everything I can to unravel the "truth" about the right time to harvest. What I've come up with, is that home/medical/personal growers seem to believe a minimum of 15% amber and a late harvest is...
  14. Rooster802

    Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

    9 pages of responses already over one white entitled European princess troll post. Boy did you guys feed the troll LOL. I think everyone on here needs to smoke a little more and stop wasting your time with this nonsense.
  15. Rooster802

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    So I am a brand new grower as well, trying to figure this out on my own with the internet. Started with a 32" x 32" x 60" tent and vivarspectra 200w (450w rated) LED. I think its perfect for that size. Because this hobby is consuming, in a few months time I had added a 4'x4'x7' tent and I put 4...
  16. Rooster802

    CBD caps clean?

    I grew some of Sin City's Thunderstruck (20:1 CBD/THC) and just harvested two small plants for a total of 110 grams of dry flowers. Extracted with organic coconut oil and put it in 00 caps I ordered off of Amazon. Got 416 capsules that I guess to be somewhere between 20 and 50 mg of CBD each...
  17. Rooster802

    Where the heck do I get Hemp seeds? CBD purposes.

    I'm growing Thunderstruck seeds from Sin City Seeds. Available from several different seed banks. Its not hemp (although some of it may be depending on the individual plant) but is 20/1 CBD/THC. My father is also fighting cancer, not sure it will help but worth a try right? I harvest in a few...
  18. Rooster802

    CBD ISOLATE helped me now I need more info! plz help

    I get my CBD from, no I don't work for them. I just haven't found another source that wasn't several times more expensive, these guys believe in what they are doing and are trying to offer this product at a fair price instead of gauging the market. And no, I don't work for...
  19. Rooster802

    what cannabis does NOT help with?

    In most places in the world it can still make you break out in handcuffs....
  20. Rooster802

    Monster cropping

    I've got some thunderstruck cuttings in my cloner that were taken about 3 weeks into flower, they have been in the cloner for a month now and still no roots but they aren't dead either so just going to keep it going and see what happens. Successfully monster cropped a gold leaf that is now 5...