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  1. L

    here are pics from all the 15 or 17 strains i have grown since christmas

    here is alittle auto bud porn--all auto plants--grown inside and out since december 12th when i starting germing seed enjoy-----
  2. L

    first time grower looking for some info

    inside under clfs--inside under 2 150 hps--inside under a 400 hps and outside----with promix with all
  3. L

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    i have a 7 foot samari jack at 105 days
  4. L

    first time grower looking for some info

    been growing autos awhile..very easy to grow.something small and strong would be mossys jems--at 9 to 14 inches or so.i have grown 20 at a time in a 2x4 area--anywhere from 12 to 40 grams a plant--usually 12 to 20 grams per.i have grown out 12 strains with another 4 strains going now---i only...
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    a monster of a auto

    i got no idea--goin for 18 to 20 weeks i think. she is 7 foot
  6. L

    a monster of a auto

    i have a samari jack auto---sexed in 24 days--1 girl.growing in a 2 1/2 gallon pot outside--promix and sensi bloom part a and b .she is the biggest auto i have ever grown.matter of fact the breeder is using my pics to are pics of my little girlnote pot size
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    ive had a buisy winter

    and then some outside stuff
  8. L

    ive had a buisy winter

    all autos my inside stuff growing now
  9. L

    ive had a buisy winter

    first 10 autos and 2 photos---here is some of what i have grown over the winter
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    my firsy inside photo

    lemon skunk----i clipped a very small bud from bottom of plant and dried it slow in a microwave -- it is killer--she is still growin for another 3 weeks.12/12 from day 1.i used 1 150 watt hps
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    my outdoor auto grow

    these autos were started under a cfl and put in the woods at 5 days.these are Jems and Dragons--they made it outside at 28 degree several times and freezing over 20 times with no dammage --just slows growth
  12. L

    my photos

    i have 3 growing 12/12 at about 75 days and 8 more under 24/0 at 3 weeks sour ak--sour candy and lemon skunk
  13. L

    General help on autoflowers?

    i just posted some auto pics---they are worth your time.i have raised 32 females in the last 90 days---harvesting several every week ---27 to go.i also have photos but i like the autos better--look here these are a few of my...
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    my autoflower grows

    i also have 5 seed runs going-----Auto Assasion<spelt wrong>---BHD---Russian rocket fuel---diesel ryder and sumiri jacks here are pics
  15. L

    my autoflower grows

    i started planting auto seed jan 1st---since then i have raised 32 females all to be done in less than 60 more days .here are some pics
  16. L

    Is there a point to autoflowers, or are they just for people who can't set a timer?

    i grow autos all the time-62 to 70 days from seed and i keep fresh week year round some gets pretty good.i raise photos for bulk but the rapid growth of the autos is amazing in a low bushy area does wonders and can be harvested outside before anyone starts lookin for it----.------dont...
  17. L

    hows this for planning

    i have 7 assorted autos <1 mi5--3 onyx-1 northern lights auto--and 2 cronic ryders at 50 days under 2--150 hps,outside i have 3 jem females with 4 males for seed-- i also have under 8 cfls--6 lowryders---5 mi5s--5 snowryder/mi5s---at 2 weeks--and under 8 cfls i have 4 photos at 30 days---and...
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    Just Cropped a Lowryder #2

    90% cloudy a couple amber--im growing under a 150 watt hps so not gonna be like a 400 or 600 watt.
  19. L

    Why Dont My Seed Sprout

    i polinated 1 lowryer--1 cronic ryder---1deisel ryder----6 weeks ago i harvested---trying now to test seed put 10 in wet towel yesterday---still nothing---i have been storeing seed in rice in the fridge in a airtight container ----seed are dark brown but only 6 weeks old----advice