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  1. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    Not that the past doesn't matter, but for every bad thing she has done or said there has been an adjustment. Would you give Bernie the same benefit of the doubt? Even if it is not to the degree we desire, it should still be recognized. Hillary has done a few things to appeal to the black...
  2. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    Can you quickly refresh my memory? If not, I will research a bit.
  3. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    I wouldn't say that. Misguided at times? Yes. But like Bernie, I think she tries. There is something to say about age and rigidity for both of them IMO. They are from a different time.
  4. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    To today's leftist standards, probably not. 30 years ago? Sure.
  5. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    We can't hold them to separate standards. I would say they are both navigating politics and learning in the process. Hillary isn't who she was in the 90s, neither is Bernie.
  6. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    It's a judgment call. To my recollection he tries to be considerate most of the time. He is far from perfect, but in general I think he does try to do the right thing. Did he cede the mic to BLM before or after he said that? Maybe he understands political correctness better now, maybe not, or...
  7. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    Sorry, a little slow this time. I think change comes slowly. I would like to think improvements would have been made.
  8. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    He tries to understand, though. I think he would be fine leading this Country. If Trump can do it, literally anyone can. The first time I heard of Sanders I watched a youtube video. It was a right-wing hit piece accusing him of "praising communism" in a Country I can't recall. It was an...
  9. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    I mostly get what you are saying, but in what sense do you mean by not better than right-wing authoritarian batshit crazy?
  10. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    I like the first paragraph, I see value in that perspective. But I disagree with the second; Clinton by definition would have been better. Trump has sunk to lows I couldn't even imagine being possible pre-2015. Clinton is just the Old Guard of progressivism IMO. She has walked that line of...
  11. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    It's like a tribute to Evan Peters' character in the new American Horror Story: Cult. I picture him blending the cheetoh puffs and water and smearing it on his face. lol
  12. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    I never identified myself as Antifa. What I understand about Antifa seems to be different than how you see it. I tried articulating the details, but clearly you don't care. I just named two people I view as leading hate groups. How would you identify people that attend rallies where the...
  13. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    She's just one Democrat that has paid her dues to the cause. We could have worked through her. It would have been so much better for us than Trump.
  14. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    I think it is you that came here with your mind made up. I've engaged every one of your arguments, you have skipped over mine every time. I haven't tried to shut you down, I'm just stating my perspective and opinion. The frustration comes from your lack of comprehension or unwillingness to...
  15. PCXV

    Hillary Fundraiser Offers Thoughts On Her Upcoming Book Tour: "Shut The F**k Up And Go Away!"

    30% of the electorate votes in Trump (61 million out of 200 million), but votes don't matter? If 50% of the electorate didn't stay home and passed 9th grade, Trump wouldn't be president.
  16. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    What was I wrong about? You have zero evidence I falsely labeled people fascist and you can't admit it. "Pretty sad man." "Blood and Soil" "Jews will not replace us" = actual chants by people at Charlottesville and literally every other alt-right/far right/fascists/kkk/neo nazi rallies. Need...
  17. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    You have zero evidence that I falsely labeled people fascists. If you defend fascist speech as free speech does it make you a fascist? No, but it doesn't make you right, and it calls into question your motivation for defending such an evil ideology. The media you asked about are quick to defend...
  18. PCXV

    College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

    Evidence for what? You don't even know who it is you think is being accused of fascism. All means necessary only pertains to people that are openly fascist, and many/most on the left, including l, understand but do not condone instigating violence. If a Jewish person punched a Nazi waving a Nazi...