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  1. dabbindylan

    I am a new grower seeking knowledge and advice

    De fan the hell out of it less leaves...more flower...carful not to much
  2. dabbindylan

    I am a new grower seeking knowledge and advice

    Mix compost into your soil bed when u turn it....if its really clay add some perlite
  3. dabbindylan

    I am a new grower seeking knowledge and advice

    Open sesame an epsomsalt when early flowers appear
  4. dabbindylan

    How do you cut your plant for harvest?

    Dry triming will be faster...wet trimming leaves u with pretty manicure. Wet trim will also preserve resins
  5. dabbindylan

    How do you cut your plant for harvest?

    It true curing is what breaks down chlorophyll. But the best way to take down imo is take all sisters off the plant. While plants still up.Branch down n hang for 3 days. Then final manicure. Jar n cure when stems snaps or very close..crispy outside but not inside
  6. dabbindylan

    Do any one know what type of Marijuana is this ?

    True but you can distigush strains by 3 main genomes indica/sativa/ruderalis. From there u can look up the differnt types it could be..i work in mmj industry so im around 100s of strains so distguishing 1 from the other is easier for me.
  7. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    No but ill be logging my growjournal tonight on this site stay tuned. Gotta go to my facility an take down a flowering room. Have a good morning
  8. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    If ur water needs become to great for a specfic pot i made a 5 gallon bucket with pump n drip line to move next thirsty mothers
  9. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    Only if u plan to finsh the plant in smart still add perlite or hydraton to ur coco mix or soil...get ur ratio right to how u water! It harder to dry out then drown for noobie imo
  10. dabbindylan

    Do any one know what type of Marijuana is this ?

    Pictures of it a little older be more helpful in identifying...rub a leaf n smell it...big broad leaves or narrow n long?? Where did seed come from..
  11. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    Mix expand perlite or hydraton pebbles at bottom of you pots for more air flow...even some riverrock that washed well would give u some good drainage an airflow...a breathing root is a happy root
  12. dabbindylan

    Dabbindylans dro grow

    I use t5 lights an mars hydro led lights total watts 900 roughly.. over a 5x8x4'area main footprint for lighting
  13. dabbindylan

    Dabbindylans dro grow

    Im a 22 year old caregiver outside of denver whom works in the mmj take it or leave but all my advice will be legit and i will respect all questions but may not awnser some...
  14. dabbindylan

    Dabbindylans dro grow

    Im going to be loging my grow on here. For my own benfit and any readers. Im doing a combination of ocean forest,perlite and hydraton clay pebbles. Creating a supersoil by adding mycos and koi pond "tea"...ill get more in depth tomorrow with pictures and actual methodology
  15. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    I see that but the leafs are droping cause moisture stress..when leaves tips point towards lights water again. If there droopy let it dry...idk ur watering schedule just my 2bit bud
  16. dabbindylan

    LED Light Strips (Tapes)

    Might be intresting maybe tie tape around tomato cage..prune to your needs...will it work it
  17. dabbindylan

    Recommended dwc nutes?

    Best sweetner hands down molasses in conjunction with teas....
  18. dabbindylan

    Recommended dwc nutes?

    Yo that pondzyme could be detrimental to ur plants use carfully ive used this product by accident as i use koi pond water for microbe tea's it does NoT help bacuillis production so if ur using it in a pond id cease use also.. barley bails will produce bacuillis bacteria that will eat bad...
  19. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    Ur soils to moist dont water so much
  20. dabbindylan

    Fox Farm Feeding Schedule

    Open sesame is great! Dont use chaching it will leave a weird taste.. big bloom should not be used by beginners if so in LIGHT doses....