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  1. Buzzkill

    wax on about your favorite/most memorable high

    It was my first time actually being high back when i was 13....I had smoked 2 or 3 times before but never gotten high. My step-dad was throwing a huge party and it was about 2 in the mornin he wanted to spark a bowl with me. I thought nothing of it and thought it would just be like all the other...
  2. Buzzkill

    Oh shit

    I feel like updating this so heres the situation as of now......hes free to go He only got busted with one box of pills but since they were investigating him they took him to jail and got a warrent to search his house and found nothing..... Hes still cooking but hopefully hell get his ass...
  3. Buzzkill

    Caught my son stealing

    Might i add....Im gonna be gentle but firm.
  4. Buzzkill

    Caught my son stealing

    You know what i completely agree,but all that spanking might wear a person out so you spank the kid ill spank your wife.:mrgreen: Sorry you guys set yourselfs up for it.
  5. Buzzkill


    I've been told by alott of people that its a blast. I hear all the weed,acid,and shrooms you can get but i wanna be positive that if i go ill trip balls because i deff aint driving with nothing on me.
  6. Buzzkill


    I was wondering who all has been to shwagstock and how easy would it be to obtain some good shrooms or acid if i went for the first time?
  7. Buzzkill

    What do you like to do high?

    I like to watch classic comedies while high,I also love kicking ass on Xbox Live. Getting high and Just Bulshittin with friends is what it's all about tho.. AND might i add since noone else has rollitup is what i do when im high.
  8. Buzzkill

    i am fdd damn it!!

    I remember when FDD had the Snowmen pic around christmas time. I was like OMG NO!!! then he went back to classic FDD
  9. Buzzkill

    Lets Go Celtics!!!!

    It killed my buzz too. No pun intended.
  10. Buzzkill

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    Well fuck its been 3-months......where are my god-damn pictures?
  11. Buzzkill

    Stoner Movie.. watch it high

    Strange wilderness
  12. Buzzkill

    nowstopwhining appears in SKUNK magazine

    Congrats to nowstopwining its deff fucking cool to have one of our family members in the mag.
  13. Buzzkill

    Strange Wilderness

    Holy fucking shit. I got this movie in on netflix and hit the bong twice every 15minutes and watched this movie 3 times in a row. This movie is fucking hilarious and i easily put it into my top 10 fav movies of all time.:mrgreen:
  14. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    My dog does the exact same thing,we have a turtle that floats around with clorein in it and she jumps into the water after the turtle. Well ive had a long day G'night wikid ill be on tommorow to continue the LOVE THREAD!!
  15. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    Yea i just went swimming this wasnt quite warm enough yett though froze my nuts off....
  16. Buzzkill

    The never-ending story

    2 bites in i...
  17. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    lol, and my absence can be contributed to the good weather,i really havent been doing anything inside lately. Enjoying the weather.
  18. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    Lol always so much me a warm feeling a non sexual way
  19. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    Lol ty. Its good to be back.
  20. Buzzkill

    The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!

    I am back after not being online for like a month and a half and what a way to come back! REP ORGY!! without rep....ORGY WOOHOO!!