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  1. goofygolfer

    more photos coming today

    more photos coming today
  2. goofygolfer

    Tom's 400 watt Growing Odyssey

    Dang bro are u applyin for a masters grower's lic ? lol wow nice .u got it dialed in
  3. goofygolfer

    Mini bucket-style dutch drip system

    do you mean in potency ?
  4. goofygolfer

    PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow

    HI KB, i just finished reading your journ. all i can say is wow. its very detailed and precise. i have the same strain ppp also doing dna sour cream in dwc. i haved learned a lot by reading threw your trial and errors . now you got it dialed in .i hope i can get half as good as you with it props...
  5. goofygolfer

    DIY= Do It Yourself Water Chiller that Works!

    how do you like that c m h bulb
  6. goofygolfer

    2x400 watt ak 48, ice & haze grow

    Going to give that a try next time
  7. goofygolfer

    Mini bucket-style dutch drip system

    looking good keep up the good work
  8. goofygolfer

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    yep technaflora all the way in dwc thats how ya do it . as emeril says bam
  9. goofygolfer

    nice nugs on the screen

    nice nugs on the screen
  10. goofygolfer

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    dang most folks would give an eye tooth for a grow like that . i know i woulld probally even more lolbongsmilie
  11. goofygolfer

    Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin

    awesome looks good . i think you'll have some some silky smooth on your hands there
  12. goofygolfer

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    are you gettin an early algae build up? you may need to light proof u r res. i had to wrap my res with alum tape to keep light out.if its ok i ll post a pic of my res. btw woohoo get those seeds a popin .
  13. goofygolfer

    Putting bubbles in your 'ponics

    hi i ve been reading this thread and props to you bro .theres so much good info thanks for the time you put in. oh btw if you have time stop by my page i have a dwc going but no gj just some pic in my album
  14. goofygolfer

    Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin

    looking good as usual .how much longer you do you think before she 's ready. oh btw stop by my page i threw up an update also
  15. goofygolfer

    Photo update coming today

    Photo update coming today
  16. goofygolfer

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    if anyone is looking to do some low tech automation ,here's another product for you .its a simple plug in thermostat .you can get it @ home depot. $ 28.97 they'll ship it for free if you spend $49.00...
  17. goofygolfer

    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    . i wouldnt dump my fox farm i d use it up and ff is good for soil but there are better ones out there
  18. goofygolfer

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    with the right conditions you be suprised how big they get in 4 weeks veg. thats how i veg 4
  19. goofygolfer

    Critical Mass/femnized bluehash/Feminized Hashplant Haze/Bagseed indoor grow

    mix as suggested on label was thinking about using that but i think i m going with jacks classic and dyna grow heres a link about em or just google em .but some of the well respected growers use them to good...