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  1. PCXV


    You are so fucking ignorant about history it is pathetic.
  2. PCXV


    Dispute it then, but you can't.
  3. PCXV

    bernie sanders: regressive

    It will take a majority to effectively enact change no matter what. Dividing the middle and the left into minority parties in a winner-takes-all political system assures the greater evil, Republicans, win every time. Republicans haven't served the public in decades. To even think about enacting...
  4. PCXV

    bernie sanders: regressive

    Progressive ideology, any sort of proposal by anyone ever.
  5. PCXV


    I actually believe you willingly ignore the racism in that meme or any right-wing bullshit you regurgitate. The racist subtext is obvious to everyone else with half a brain. There are no politics in that conspiracy, just people that hated to see a black lady in the white house and this is what...
  6. PCXV


    Lmao your brain is fried.
  7. PCXV

    Trump wrestling gif creator doxxed by CNN

    Oh no! They made him face the consequences of his shitty actions?!?! Why?! Why God?!?!? If you fear taking responsibility for your actions, then you did something immoral and/or unethical. Remember when conservatives were all about personal responsibility? Then they elected a silver spoon...
  8. PCXV


    Pathetic. You know, it would be one thing for racist Obama haters to hide their racism better by intelligently arguing against Obama's politics, but really all you see is pure racist shit like this.
  9. PCXV

    bernie sanders: regressive

    The Republican party has to be dismantled before the Democratic party is. Or else we will suffer under your latter description of elites as opposed to the former and the ones that actually know how big of a problem we are facing.
  10. PCXV

    bernie sanders: regressive

    Because they are pragmatic. The Democratic Party is a coalition. There are many competing and conflicting constituencies within the party that must be persuaded before an idea is viable politically. A new party will place the opposing coalition, Republicans, in an advantageous position...
  11. PCXV

    bernie sanders: regressive

    There will be ideological backlash but progress is slowly won. Shouldn't the idea stand on its own merit, not whether it is considered liberal or conservative?
  12. PCXV

    Petroleum in Primary School; industrial strength ethics violation

    Ignorance is bliss. If you think you are doing well, that's great. But it's beside the point of fairness and sustainability.
  13. PCXV

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Dr. Who #4 (fully cured, great grape-skunky flavor)
  14. PCXV

    Christie defends use of beach closed to public amid shutdown

    There is no bottom for Christie. One day I will piss on his grave.
  15. PCXV

    trump's lawyer conned christians, funneled charity money to his own family

    :roll: right. You are more concerned with how many people subscribe to the guardian than criminal activity by our president and now his lawyer. :wall:
  16. PCXV

    trump's lawyer conned christians, funneled charity money to his own family

    Just tell us the two gotcha responses you came up with to save time.
  17. PCXV

    Petroleum in Primary School; industrial strength ethics violation

    Unfortunately, your interests and fate are intertwined and inseparable from every other person on this planet in many ways.
  18. PCXV

    Petroleum in Primary School; industrial strength ethics violation

    This forum is just a small part of a bigger picture. It is as good a place as any to flesh out ideas. Life is multi-faceted. You are content in many ways I'm sure but the reality outside yourself is far from utopia.
  19. PCXV

    Petroleum in Primary School; industrial strength ethics violation

    Discourse; eventually truth and logic win. It brought us so low to Trump, it can also go the other way.