Call up Monsantos, they splice human genes into taters so im sure thats no task at all.
Another look at what they do LOL they ruin just about everything they touch so yeah they might just make mj give you aids LOL.
panda film is nice, I use it on windows, you can also jet to home depot and buy some styroboard and that works 2, also a plus if you need insulation/sound dampening.
Yeah Molasses is the way, PLUS Honey is a bit more costly than molasses, if you DID use honey, the only one worth using is RAW, un heathed, and unfiltered, other wise there isnt anything much of use.
So why bother?
The whole damn system pretty much has shown they couldn't give a shit about our rights, what is right, or much less what is LEGAL.
Point blank Posse Comitatus Act states
20 Stat. L., 145
June 18, 1878
CHAP. 263 - An act making appropriations for the...
I look at it this way, if a gov can put all this bad shit in our food, water, and air, not to mention allow alot of wrong to go on, then I won't allow them to tell me I can't smoke a little of God's Herb.
They fear it because it doesn't cause brain damage.
For some of us it really makes us...
I use to love CFLs but I'd rather have pounds than onces let alone just 2 plants, I'd have to say I like my 4x 1Kw HPS way better than the 140+ CFLs I use to run.
My power bill is lower as well.
Plp in the USA say the EXACT same shit about the mexicans.
You guys r lucky tho, you got Attitude and other great banks there, the US has pretty much nothing, Cali included.
So far I've had 0 failures on their seeds I've probably put 12 or so down so far I dunno I dont keep track anymore, I have a bunch others that I ordered from attitude.