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  1. kho20

    1st timer PC growing

    lol that was quick seed production damn well depends on what you wanna do you could grow it out in there and have seeded weed( you could use the seeds to grow again) or you could remove the male and hope it dont get to your ladies( hopefully no seeds) or you can move it collect the pollen the...
  2. kho20

    First Grow EVER. (CFL)

    thankya man if i had em on the phone i woulda been like bitch i want at least an extra bulb since they could overnited it the first time fuck lol .... it has been.. a red dawn lmao
  3. kho20

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    hehe i think some evil scientist shits been goin on here lol dr. volcom
  4. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    wassup howackian lol the mutant i wonder if itll give you super powers like the power of flight or you could kill a yak from 200 yards away with MIND BULLETS... thats telekinesis bro
  5. kho20

    34 days in what yall think lol

    lol thats exactly what i mean lol but anyway ill bump this so itll be back on the first page hehe
  6. kho20

    First Grow EVER. (CFL)

    lol man im sendin all the good vibes i can man for sure.... lol id be super pissed for them takin so long man, i hope they are lots of lil whores haha heres alil taste at whats to come mmmmmmm:weed:
  7. kho20

    miricle grow....i think not

    yep i have got MG full of thrips and other lil nasties but theye have never really hurt my plants i spray after i plant with soapy water then once every month or so
  8. kho20

    Pc grow idea !!!

    i like the way that one looks ill defently try and track down the seeds for em and it looks like youve been doin pretty good with the pc cases i hope i have that luck
  9. kho20

    Pc grow idea !!!

    oh okay so your basically running a makeshift perpetual grow then i like that idea lol the way im mounting my lights now its gonna be adjustable also so i think thatll help along the way
  10. kho20

    Pc grow idea !!!

    every three weeks, so you go 12 12 from start? and what strain do you have that finishes that quick ill order it for sure lol i was planing to do scrog/ topping method and prolly 2 plants max i could go a small sog grow i have tons of 3 inch pots and 6 fit fine 7 is a really tight fit what do...
  11. kho20

    34 days in what yall think lol

    bump bump pass
  12. kho20

    Pc grow idea !!!

    well haha changed it up a lil bit i figured screw the whole every thing inside so now the power strip is on the outside mounted on the back and i measured out my 68 watter will fit and maybe two or three 26 watters so idk well see as i said its not as long as i origionally planned for bout 9...
  13. kho20

    need some ideals on a PC planter

    rite on thats the way to do it
  14. kho20

    zona mid aero cfl grow / bagseed soil grow

    lol now you jus need a few hookers puttin them lungs to use too lol they give your plants co2 and airflow lmao
  15. kho20

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    remember the plan is over grow america lol
  16. kho20

    34 days in what yall think lol

    it actually is training i started to go in a semi circle and it did promote the top half of the plant to grow thicker anything you do to a plant to alter it from growing naturally you are training it there are many forms of LST( LOW STRESS TRAINING) tying the plant over is a form of that it was...
  17. kho20

    need some ideals on a PC planter

    what damn dude that sucks well maybe it was a good thing
  18. kho20

    Is it bad to rotate pots outdoors?

    its actually really good to roatate your plants if you dont have even light coverage, and the lil roots are a sign that it needs to be transplanted soon but it happens all the time
  19. kho20

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    lol yeah we covered that volcom lol yeah maybe youll breed some life in to the dirt weed i say who cares about the males from the seeds you get if any jus let em screw every plant in your country side the dirt weed will be a step up lol ,
  20. kho20

    34 days in what yall think lol

    yeah there huge the ballast on em is the size of a coke can around lol and heres a pic you can see the reason i tied so late the lights still crooked and from the bend down it was too stiff to bend and sorry their blurry the lights make it hard for a good pic