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  1. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    So with the warm weather comes warmer room temps. I'm running bare bulbs and when it's 90 outside, it's 90 inside. This is my first bare bulb run, so I was scared when the temps were reading 85-90. My fan won't shut down, but the girls are fine. Is it just me, or is this odd? Granted, I do have...
  2. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    BreedersBoutique has an awesome sale right now. Way better than the other BreedersBoutique sale you've heard about. The BreedersBoutique sale I'm talking about is better. You should check out BreedersBoutique!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  3. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Are you near PDX?
  4. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    5 Gallon buckets. Cocoa medium and Mineral nutrients.
  5. afrawfraw

    Afrawfraw's Second Grow Journal

  6. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Hey 6'rs. Morning all. 1) The girls. 2) DP Cola 3) Caramelicious 4) Caramelicious Cola 5) DP Cola from above Enjoy the PrOn!!!
  7. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I would start shouting cheers really, really, really loudly. "Do THAT SHiT! PUMP IT UP BRO! IN, OUT, IN, OUT! NOW THROW SOME SWAG ON IT. YA! GOOD HUSTLE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
  8. afrawfraw

    Club 600

  9. afrawfraw

    Afrawfraw's Second Grow Journal

    Day 14
  10. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    They unofficially lease aircraft for various...Uhhh...Maneuvers...
  11. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    While I agree, one shouldn't assume a victim was "Asking for it", I would much rather disarm a stupid cop with a baton than be shot by a stupid cop. In Cambridge, as an American, I was held in disdain by most passers by. One guy accused me of stealing. I of course had not. The policeman who was...
  12. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Didn't we nab all the good Russian scientists with a Bill in the 80's too?
  13. afrawfraw

    trayvan martin

    Do you think Zimmy would be interested in a "Special Ops" side arm? Maybe I'll donate it...
  14. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Sorry i don't post much anymore. I'm cheating on RIU with a sexy young web site. Can't say which. Oh yea.
  15. afrawfraw

    why was my thread closed?

  16. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I want to find a quarter drum set, used and beat up. Take the drum fabric off, and put micron fabric over the drums. Then throw on some thrashing metal, grab my colas, and....
  17. afrawfraw

    why was my thread closed?

    Seriously, it takes skill. "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not" - Tyler the Creator
  18. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    My caramelicious played patty-cake with the fan. I used to trim her back, but now I let the fan do it, then sweep the clippings =P
  19. afrawfraw

    trayvan martin

    No shit. "You're fired." Was probably yelled for that one.
  20. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I know. You're right.