Search results

  1. Buzzkill

    Vagina Tattoo......Ouch!!!!!!

    ROFL LMFAO!!! oh god that one is grand.:mrgreen:
  2. Buzzkill

    Visine is drug pharaphenilia?

    A friend recently told me the if you have visine on you and weed you can get charged with possesion of drug pharaphenelia.:confused:
  3. Buzzkill

    Halo 3

    I wanna pick up Frontlines: Fuel Of War looks good i played the demo and loved it.
  4. Buzzkill

    Eldora Speedway

    CMON!!! you know you like em.
  5. Buzzkill

    Eldora Speedway

    Anyone ever been to eldora speedway or watched any dirt track races? I love watching dirt late models. My all time favorite hobby. :joint:
  6. Buzzkill

    Just got some Blueberry *pictures*

    Id smoke it. Ill smoke anything marijuana related.
  7. Buzzkill

    Just got some Blueberry *pictures*

    Id smoke it with you NSW!!
  8. Buzzkill

    Nascar 2008

    Damnit bongspit now i have to change my pic. Thanx for stealing it. Nice goin busch i figured hed win today.
  9. Buzzkill

    Why do you smoke weed?

    I love taking about a month or two break and lowering my tolerance lvl so its a semi-first high experience Love the smell Love the taste Love the high LOVE IT! Yea trippyhippy is pretty hott.:hump:
  10. Buzzkill

    Family Guy: Blue harvest

    I really wanna finish my night by watching blue harvest but all the links ive gotten dont work. Anyone got a link where i can watch the full thing?:-?
  11. Buzzkill

    Tommorow is gonna be great

    Hell yea ill prolly just be chilling friday night, then saturday night we get drunk as hell then sunday we dink some beers make some damn good lunch and watch nascar.
  12. Buzzkill

    Product Review Forum

    We need rollitup to see this. Nowstopwhining send this to rollitup like they did the ladies forum so it will get added. More than likely it will be for elites only.
  13. Buzzkill

    Too High?

    Easy rider is a badass fucking movie.
  14. Buzzkill

    The Pussy Snorkel

    Well i had too put my two cents in. I love reviving old threads.
  15. Buzzkill

    Not having cable

    Lmao. Agreed.
  16. Buzzkill

    The Pussy Snorkel

    Lol i've been known to eat a pussy or two.:hump:
  17. Buzzkill

    Product Review Forum

    I just voted. And i say hell yea!
  18. Buzzkill

    Not having cable

    You know what really grinds my gears? The government continuing to bust people for pot. Jesus freaking christ america, are you that scared of a fucking plant? Its just a plant, and it does no harm, and is a proven medicine. Back to you Tom.
  19. Buzzkill

    Throws puppy from helicopter

    That in no way justifies this pricks actions....
  20. Buzzkill

    We found this little kitty

    Lol i now pronounce him the official kitty of rollitup. You're lucky to have him and hes lucky to have you.