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  1. PCXV

    DNC still has not learned throwing money and Hollywood elite idiots no longer win elections?

    Courts enforce legislation. You are making a law one way or another.
  2. PCXV

    DNC still has not learned throwing money and Hollywood elite idiots no longer win elections?

    The "you can't legislate morality" argument is beyond stupid. Should we have no laws against murder, rape, kidnapping, theft, etc.? The law certainly deters immoral behavior.
  3. PCXV

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    Lol panic much?
  4. PCXV


    1. Because providing the poor any dignity is horrible. 2. Verifiably false. 3. Verifiably false. 4. Verifiably false. Learn to fact check you inbred goon.
  5. PCXV

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    You/the meme made the original claim. Evidence is required for a claim to be credible. Do you believe everything you can't verifiably disprove?
  6. PCXV

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Why are you a Nazi?
  7. PCXV

    alabama's republican governor thrown in jail, resigns amidst corruption scandal

    Really disappoint that Christie is not on that list. Bridgegate was only for his benefit and that slimy fuck pretends he knew nothing, then his supremely unethical indictment of Clinton at RepCon almost made my head explode. Very few Republican crooks I hate more.
  8. PCXV

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    This will affect your placement on the graph of stupidity.
  9. PCXV

    Donald trump's culture of cruelty

    Fify, and I pointed out your instant hypocrisy. Too funny is right.
  10. PCXV

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Interesting. Looks a lot different than Blue Widow which is supposedly the same cross. Great job with it, that is kind of a bummer to lose, nice bag appeal.
  11. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    I get that point. I just believe if you give people some real dignity and a real shot they will try. Some people are just evil, some people are really broken, I don't think that is most people, just some. Baby and the bathwater and all that.
  12. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    Producing is good for people. But we don't always get paid for things we produce, some of the best things we produce we don't get paid to do.
  13. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    But are you comprehending my point or just trying to argue? What % of abuse do you honestly find rational? I think in the same category as other government assistance programs would be fair, no?
  14. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    My question to you is, if 1% or 3% or 5% or even 10% of people refused to work or doing anything for anybody else and spent that money only on meth, is it still not worth it to help the millions of other people that need it and would put it to good use aka in a way that would ultimately benefit...
  15. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    If we could achieve desired results by doing so then should we still not based on the false assumption that $500/month will make everyone lazy? The idea behind it is to mitigate the symptoms of poverty. The goal is to improve the quality of living for everyone in a given society by improving...
  16. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    Only handouts? How many who temporarily recieve government assistance work? How would redistributing money to the bottom of the economy hurt the economy?
  17. PCXV

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    So you are part of the 35% still approving the Titanic.
  18. PCXV

    Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

    Why let half the country wallow in or near poverty when there is more than enough resources and productivity? Would you quit your job for a monthly basic income of let's say $500? Would $500/month make the difference for a single-mother/father, a new mother/father taking temporary leave or...
  19. PCXV

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    It's crazy how morbid and perverted the right-wing chain emails are for people who are supposed to be God-fearing Christians defending family values. Odd that liberals are labeled as emotional bleeding hearts and humanitarian/environmentalist hippies but also labeled evil and subversive by...