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  1. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Been there since the day you typed it bro, friggin classic!! I would sacrifice every bit of hair on my head to have been there for that. Sounds like it was a helluva day, LOL!!! I got all my seedlings in soil, about 3a.m. I think it was. Most seeds had started to open by then. A couple of the...
  2. mycomaster

    Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)

    Lookin good Pin! Keep up, keepin up! Fuck opiates in the @$$!!! Peace & Love. Myco
  3. mycomaster

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Most people think the Earth is their stuff, I like your take Hamish. Peace & Love. Myco
  4. mycomaster

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I'm sorry to hear about the seedlings Hamish. I've recently had a loss as well, hurts every time. Keep your head up bro, better times to come. Peace & Love. Myco
  5. mycomaster

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    You always bring the class Hamish. Your plants are out-of-this-world frosty bro. Can't wait to see them right before harvest. Bud Porn! Peace & Love. Myco
  6. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1
  7. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    I appreciate that very much Pros, thank you. I've yet to get them in soil, as my day got busier than planned, but that's what I'm about to do now. I'll have to come post a pic of the day soon over on the OSOTF. Hope all is well bro. Peace & Love. Myco
  8. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    So here's the lineup I went with. 5 MaT reg's, 2 SleeSkunk reg's, 2 Afghani Skunk reg's, 1 G-13 Skunk reg, 1 Kali Bubba fem, 1 Cindy99 fem! Not the original lineup, but should be fun. I have these seeds in water soaking now, and they have all sunk overnight. I'm also happy to report that the...
  9. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Hamish you always come in here, and kill it with kick @$$ backgrounds on strains bro, nice work. You can really tell, you love every aspect of Ganja! Kudo's, and my hat's eternally off to ya' brother. Much respect! I think Blueberry Hill would be an excellent choice for some fruity Dank. Just...
  10. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    I've seen many excellent grows with their genetics. I'm poppin 2 Sleeskunk seeds today, LOL. SleeSkunk, and O.B. Ripper, yeah sounds pretty nice to me. Peace & Love. Myco
  11. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    You guys are awesome! Here's my thoughts on this new area opening up. What I'm trying to accomplish overall is, a heavier yielding O.B. Ripper. So, with that in mind here's my lineup. First off Cinderella99, more weight, more DANK! Take any males I get, hopefully I get one, and hit the C99...
  12. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Thanks for that brother! Gods that was hard bagging those ladies, and babies up. It ended up taking both the ED's. I have all 3 OBR's though! I've also decided to pop more seeds. I have 3 reg Deep Psychosis that are screaming at me for life. I think I'm also gonna pop a couple of choice others...
  13. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Here's the plan boys. I'm pulling the Snowbud, CJH, and 3 of the seedlings. I don't have a doubt in my mind the little ones have contracted this crap as the new growth has that curled leaf thing going on with them. So far it's just 2 G-13 Skunk's, and unfortunately an ED. No OBR's though, thank...
  14. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Had to post it.
  15. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Just not sure what else it could be at this time. I've never seen a K def like that, and the whole point it's transferring around the way it is. Any suggestions are welcome, but I think this one is a bust. Peace & Love. Myco
  16. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Alright, a couple pics of the damage. G-13 Skunk Engineers' Dream Critical Jack Herer SnowBud You tell me it's not the same thing, and it's not something contagious. I'll tell you right now, it's not s def I've ever seen before. If I try to give the SnowBud any more K it's gonna turn into a...
  17. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Ok folks, a little bad news. I noticed this morning, that my CJH has TMV as well. At first it was just the SnowBud, and she looked fine except for the discoloration. Now I noticed a small patch on the CJH, and I'm pissed. I'm a lousy tobacco smoker, and am sure I brought this upon myself. I'll...
  18. mycomaster

    Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

    Great to see you bro. I seen you've been rocking bikes, and brewing beer, sounds like alot of fun! I picked myself up 2 panels from Area-51. Thank you so much for turning me on to those guys. Jeff is a pretty cool dude. Gave me a killer deal, and I'm gonna do a side-by-side grow with my 600W...
  19. mycomaster

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Thought you might need these Hamish.
  20. mycomaster

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    OOH OOH me too. I'm close enough for a doobie cruise to MI. Dog Pile on Stows neighbor! Later we'll all meet at Rrog' place for refreshments. Actually sounds fun, LOL. Peace & Love. Myco