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  1. A

    ...All Things Vero...

    I dont want to keep postung about vero cobs in cxa thread. I was looking to add some vero 29s to my CXA3070s. Flower light. Has two Z450Fs that may get moved to veg. And 6 Z230Fs Main question I have is do I want to go with the 80 or 90 CRI? BXRC-30E10K0-L-03 Or BXRC-30G.... Was thinking E -...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Yup for flower so plan to go to 20 - CXA3070 ABs but for now just have 4 plants under it which have done ok being that mostly 3k. Moved two smaller ones to under new light. Yup. Grounded the frame. Used bike lifts again as $10 for two and make easy to raise. First test room got up to 97...
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    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Oh, I was just joking. Just meant that I found this thread, was able to read the whole thing and ordered the stuff that night. If it was 150 pages I would still be reading it. Ignore me. I was not sober when I wrote that.
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Hope this isnt getting off topic for this thread but didnt want to make a new one... So got drivers and hooking up. Decided I should check amps and volts this time to make sure they are what I expected and they are. Dont have a kill-A-watt meter to check draw of driver but have been planing to...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    sorry too a bunch of pics and coulnt narrow down. 6 plants total.
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    More of the other 4 that all show burt tip and some other stuff, but not as bad the one that is in the worst shape above:
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    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Not to take away from this thread but there is so much more info here that its worth trying to read what you can. Heatsinks from is great @ $0.32 per inch of 2.8 wide heatsink. I made one like this as wanted to dive in and...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    So while I wait on my drivers for the veg light I need to think of what upgrades my flower light might need. I have eight 3070s like this Space is 8'x44" so 29sqft which would be aprox16w/sqft. Should I add more and what? Vero29s? or just spread what I have and make reflectors? I have...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Some of my plants are having some issues and im trying to tack them down... Not sure if my hard water is an issue (212mg/L) or sodium (350mg/L) is too high. I think it may be lack of water and nutes but wondering if I should mix my water with distilled 50/50 for now. EDIT: There is a softner...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Thanks. I will fix it. Didnt power on just soldered one wrong.
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I assume these Vero 10 cobs need to be hooked in series positive to negative. So hooking one up backward in a series is no good. ? Or DC so doesn't matter? im sure it matters as would not have +/-. hooked one up backwards as glued one on 180* upsidown by mistake.
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Still waiting on drivers but I will try to run tests to see what I get. Tonight am going to glue the COBs to fixture and wire them up. Found a bunch of 18g trailer wire that will use. Soldering to cobs as didnt get the molex connectors. May ground the fixture as u said just as a precaution...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    @SupraSPL I assume it was your review on the fasttech website for the 120v drivers I got? U tested one or more? to 150v, so I will be good with five vero10s in series. ~133v @ 0.28a so can use 22g wire as such low amps or? Before I wire it up probably want to be sure. Havent done circuits in...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Got my heatsinks. Welded it together. Thinking 30 Vero 10s instead of 25. Got the vero10s but drivers will be an other week or so prob. But figure I can wire the cobs up so only have to solder in drivers when they come. Time for bed.
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Thanks so much, bough some of that carbon. Stuck with 10 inches/cob cause design was easy compared to changing it and bought 35 vero 10s, 7 power supplies, five 50" heatsinks and ten additional 10" heatsinks to make 2 additional arrays. Thanks again. Need to start taking cuttings ASAP as...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    So looking to do aprox 18sqft: 18sqft x 10w/sqft = 180watts required 180w/sqft / 36w = 5 arrays 5 vero 10s per array = 25 vero 10 COBS So above calc was wrong as missed a decimal (I used 2.79 rather than 2.079). So my quick calc I get these # which are close to what you got 13.138 in2...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Thanks, As I said I copied Gaius DIY. Dont want to get off topic in here but will look into that (I have other issues and questions; I will create a new thread). I wish I had gotten the generics but I will deal with upgrades/mods at a later date. The HLG-185H-C1400 are too expensive for me...
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    Is this the same led that is in A51 lights?

    $1.50 for vero 10 ? Where?
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I created an 8 CXA3070 like the one specified by Gaius (6x 3000k Z2, 2x 5000k Z4, All @ 1.4a from 8x LPC-60-1400 mounted on Arctic alpine 64 GT r2 cpu coolers). These are mounted on a ~4'x2' frame in :-:-: pattern (dots 3000k, dashes 5000k). I used 2x RAD bike lifts for pulley system...
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    DiY LED Grow Lights with CREE CXA3070 COBs and CPU Coolers

    Pulleys to adjust height.