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  1. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    i dont loose anysleep myself. True something can def turn the tables, I just go for any false hopes, if it happens then good. 1 thing my friend, sure we the plp outnumber them, but not everyone wants to stand or can, we have a shit load of sick, fat, and otherwise uncapable not to mention most...
  2. Phenom420

    Strawbery Blue 1st grow :D

    3 weeks Planted the seeds 10.5.09 into the soil so under a month What can I say good light and good nutes = happy plants Ive been playing with nute combos and stuff, they only had 2 rounds of nutes
  3. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Well Im glad you didnt get the shots, everyone is a fool, me 2. So stay off youtube huh? Why is that? Everything on there cannot be fiction, it's hard to figure fact from but the problem is there are very few sources for untainted truth, youtube opens us up to other people straight without any...
  4. Phenom420

    Soil Mold, Just transplanted

    OH SHIT! well here is 1 fast way PH some water to 8 and FLUSH, mold cant live past 8, then reph your water to 6.5 and renute. Its gonna get pissed, but that should help. Id also say that ZT I use, spray the soil that would kill it, I normally spray my soil with Zero Tolerance and haven't gotten...
  5. Phenom420

    Germany and Europe enforcing increasingly stricter regulations on service providers?

    Scare tacticts, if you have nothing to lose in civil court then worry not, I don't. I made sure years ago I don't have assests in my name, that's why BoA hates that they cant do much about the 54k I owe them, they have to wait until I can pay HAHA What you say is true I know, my point was, I'm...
  6. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Put all that together and it's beyond conspiracy if these guys r working together, no to mention easy to pull the whool over our eyes, even the most bright individual. I will give me I know some utube videos to be false religious BULL SHIT, and I give you that, EVERYONE lies. Also ever thought...
  7. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    I dont listen to him anymore What proof would you like A that our food is about to become posint thanks to Monsanto (they make ROUND UP) and codex. B the shots (NOT JUST SWINE FLU) have serious toxins in them. C well the gov conspiracy deal/NWO/alex jones, mostly yes youtube videos and...
  8. Phenom420

    Germany and Europe enforcing increasingly stricter regulations on service providers?

    I dont live that way but it sounds like the laws on net providers just got stricter in Erope, don't know to what point, just this email got my attention and thought I would see if we can get some Germans/plp that way to chime in on it or something, this is prob something that is to come for the US
  9. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
  10. Phenom420

    Germany and Europe enforcing increasingly stricter regulations on service providers?

    There was no disclaimer at the bottom of the email to tell me it was private so for 1 I sure could resend it, even if not I wouldn't care thats whats wrong anymore is plp are afraid to talk about the truth because it might not be "legal", growing pot isn't legal for me so LOL anything else I...
  11. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Yeah my fat parents are in the same mind set, their kids are sick non stop and they love the koolaid, not to mention both work for the state so they are the ultra stupid. LOL
  12. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Some of us have personal experiences with the medial profession or lack of that we would never want to trust them. Yeah we all are FORCED to use less than healthy means, but my family lives and eats healthy we dont eat the same shit as the rest of the pop, and shit is in food, eat a hamburger...
  13. Phenom420

    Germany and Europe enforcing increasingly stricter regulations on service providers?

    Anyone know what is going on over that way, Im in the US and operate some some sites that I run ads on and my ad link partner sent me this email this morning and I was like well those plp in Germany must have something to worry about now... Important Information Concerning Account Conversion...
  14. Phenom420

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Ok well who are you giving this shit rating to¿
  15. Phenom420

    Make these last holidays count, we aren't going to be FREE for anymore!!!

    Notice that um proof I posted after your comment¿ ROTFLMFAO you sir DEF have drank the koolaid. Mercury INJECTED is NOT NOT NOT, the same as Mercury INJECTED. They don't teach that in public school so I know you wouldn't go learn that on your own, so go google and learn it or don't, every...
  16. Phenom420

    Green House Seeds Arjan Strawberry Haze

    only got 1 out of the lot but oh fucking well here she is, green 5gal LMFAO hidden its about the same size as those other 2, those are top 44 in the grey buckets
  17. Phenom420

    TOP 44 from

    here we go the 5 gal buckets the top 44 is only in the grey bucekts.
  18. Phenom420

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    either way weed is fucking awesomeness and it all will get ya high to fuck to sky hahahaha
  19. Phenom420

    Gro#7 G13 Diesel, Bareney's Diesel, DNA Sour Cream & LA Woman

    my whole flower area 15 in all
  20. Phenom420

    My 12/12 Room

    Thanks, ah I just try to give her the base needs and she does the rest