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  1. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Gonna bump it up to 1/2 Strength Nutes tomorrow.:leaf: It's @ 1/3 Strength with a pH of 5.5 now. Also got my light mover today so that's goin up tomorrow too. Now I'll be able to turn the ballest back up to 600 Watts!!! :leaf:
  2. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Random pics with the light off.:leaf: :leaf:
  3. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:The cycle is wacked already...Glass Jarz!!!:leaf: :leaf:Bout a month left for the big ones and 11 weeks for the smaller two.:leaf: :leaf:PURPLE SKUNK :leaf: Clonez didn't make it cuz the doner was too dry I think??? Lookin good now!!! :leaf:
  4. BuddGreen

    1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!

    :leaf: :leaf:That smoke looks sweet brah!!! Gonna try your cannabutter method too.:leaf: :leaf:
  5. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Got a new Control Rez Air Pump to run eight 4" Oxy Stones. Works very well but it's loud as hell!!!:leaf: :leaf:
  6. BuddGreen

    1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!

    :leaf: :leaf:Checked it out a few times just never posted.:leaf: :leaf:
  7. BuddGreen

    1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!

    :leaf: :leaf:Them treez are lookin real good Rasta!!!:leaf: :leaf:
  8. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Gonna keep 1 of the 3 as a DWC Mother and move the other 2 into Bloom.:leaf: Cut 2 clones, 9 dayz to root, (3 weeks in Veg) and 12 WEEKS IN BLOOM!!! The clonez I'll cut 9 dayz before whats in Veg goes to bloom. This way the clonez ready for Veg, what's in Veg is ready for Bloom and...
  9. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf:Nute burn always sucks, just give it a good flush.:leaf: :leaf: :leaf:My 5 skunk clones are about to go curb side cuz they are 90% yellow???:leaf: :wall: :leaf:
  10. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:
  11. BuddGreen

    Basic Design for recirculating DWC? (buckets)

    :leaf: :leaf:I'm running three (4+1) RDWCs. (4) 5-Gallon buckets + (1) 27-Gallon Control Rez.:leaf: My 27 gallon Control Rez has a 66gph pump that pumps nutes to each of the 4 DWC Pots via a 1/2 poly feed line. The bottoms are connected with 3/4 poly drain line back to the C-R. As the pump pumps...
  12. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Purple Skunk clonez in the Veg room.:leaf: :leaf:Bloom Room is looking real good:leaf: :leaf:
  13. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Nothing more to change cuz it iz what it iz!!!:leaf: :leaf: Mother's in 8" pots. Veg DWCs are 3 gallon buckets. Bloom DWCs are 5 gallon buckets. Inline 4" fans are push-pull when main fan is off. Bloom room pulls air from Clone and Veg areas. :leaf:
  14. BuddGreen

    Foaming in My Rez?

    :leaf: :leaf:The only time I had foam in the rez is when I did the pre-flush with Sugar Daddy.:leaf: I got lotz of bubbles in my control rez and that's what caused the foam to form. Didn't have any foam in the DWCs. :leaf:
  15. BuddGreen

    Help with diy uc dwc progect.

    :leaf: I use a 27 gallon tote for a control rez hooked to four 5-Gallon buckets. A 66GPH pump pumps nutes via 1/2 poly tube to each bucket. The bottoms are linked with 3/4 tube as the return drain back to the rez. Drop by my thread and go to the last page if you want to see it more. :leaf:
  16. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:The Rez with the white lid is running the 1st set of DWCs.:leaf: :leaf:
  17. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Got two of the eight DWC's installed. Getting ready to install the door tomorrow:leaf: :leaf:400 Watt Veg Room done but one more DWC @ nute change.:leaf: :leaf:
  18. BuddGreen

    Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

    :leaf: :leaf:5 Ounces close to bud trim with NO Stems, 5 Cups Water and 2 Lbs. Butter:leaf: Boiled 3 times for 6 hours. Looked green in the spoon, brown in the container then green once it returned to a solid. Thought I fucked it up!!! :leaf:
  19. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:Completed Veg room. 1 Oxy Stone in each DWC and 3 in the Control Rez.:leaf: When the Skunk is ready it will be bumped to a 4+1 RDWC. :leaf:Big fan pulls air from both the Mother/Clone area and the Bloom area.:leaf: :leaf:
  20. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    :leaf: :leaf:12 Dayz in the Aero Cloner...NICE ROOTS!!!:leaf: :leaf:This may be the end of this strain.:leaf: 12 weeks is way too long for the number of plants I'm allowed to have. :leaf:Got this Purple Skunk cuz it's a 6 week Bloom cycle.:leaf: :leaf: