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  1. blakasassin1

    Marijuana Punishments Would Decrease Under Pragmatic New California Initiative 1518

    this pisses me off the only reason its illegal is because some racist pieces of trash like Harry Anslinger and william hears.
  2. blakasassin1

    Marijuana Will Never be Legal UNLESS!

    what we need is a president like ron paul to stand up and say *For this to be illegal is bullshit*
  3. blakasassin1

    The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine Thread.

    i dont get politics how does this work do people sign this and then if they get enough signitures then they can pass a law?
  4. blakasassin1

    Am i qualified for medicinal marijuana?

    thanks for the info ill just wait intill they add physchiolical disorders but the thing is i seen on a site that they had it for *generalized anxiety* idk tho
  5. blakasassin1

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    omg 12/12 looks like big buds on a stick ima go 12/12 soon lets hope 3 20watt 3600 lumen cfls are enough
  6. blakasassin1

    Uk grower my first scrog :) with pics any advice welcome

    nice plants even tho your pic scares me
  7. blakasassin1

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    the power of the cannabis plant! cannabis powers activate! *flys out window* oh no theres a drug dealer getting popped Ill save you!
  8. blakasassin1

    I just smoked so much weed holy shit

    i wish i could smoke a hole ounce dude next time put a ounce in some weed brownies you be fucked up for like 8hrs+
  9. blakasassin1

    Don't get Sanduskied in the shower!

    i think the media made it worse too now the kids that got raped are gonna be taunted intill the end of there life
  10. blakasassin1

    would you guys buy this?

    pretty good man sell them on like amazon or something
  11. blakasassin1

    I can't smell the smoke...

    dude da popo is gonna get you throw that shit! im just joking if you dont got over an ounce i wouldnt even worry
  12. blakasassin1

    what would you do with 14 tons of weed?

    since its swag then i would make some GOOD ass weed brownies then eat then intill i get fked up then eat some more then send some to my grandpa *hes a dick* then give some to all my family and then...make some more and so on the real question is where do i hide tons of weed
  13. blakasassin1

    3 Word Story

    are so wierd
  14. blakasassin1

    kids these days...

    oh yes some kids like the minty freshness of a tampon in there ass mabe they had some cuts so they healed it with alcohol HAHAH
  15. blakasassin1

    pictures that make me feel things

    the one with the guy levitating made me feel creeped out anyone else?
  16. blakasassin1

    Kid turns in mom for smoking pot.

    i blame the parents on this one you should never smoke around a kid + 8 lbs isnt just for personal use
  17. blakasassin1

    CFL closet grow DNA Lemon Skunk

    nice grow man!!
  18. blakasassin1

    Twin Tents

    WOW ive never seen a grow tent thats sick! and only 150 bucks
  19. blakasassin1

    Is this looking normal? No trichomes yet

    some nice hairs poking out pretty good bud development for only 38 days Good luck on your grow