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  1. PCXV

    trump regime in meltdown mode

    That sucks, because Trump loves China. ;)
  2. PCXV


    Care to be more specific? Do you know what the top rate on income and capital gains were under Wilson?
  3. PCXV


    And here we go again. Trump making tax rates regressive arbitrarily and calling short-sighted business gains a success. Tax revenue plummets. Trump rolling back Dodd-Frank and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as Wall Street creates another bubble bigger than ever before. Another...
  4. PCXV


    Under which policies did the national debt grow? As I recall, it was Reagan that destroyed the progressive tax code, exploded the deficit, and shifted the tax burden to the middle class and the states in a major way. Those tax policies have only become more regressive. Or do you mean the...
  5. PCXV

    Stupid bowl Sunday!

    Now the animosity between us makes sense ;)
  6. PCXV

    Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

    Wrong thread or alt-account? Take it easy man, business is just business.
  7. PCXV


    Policy is a dead horse, right-wing policies are proven to fail our economy re: Great Depression, Great Recession, the National Debt, and shared economic prosperity. Southern Democrats are now Republicans so socially and morally the right is bankrupt.
  8. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Rule #1 Putin is friend who Obama hacked then the flag wavers won and we don't like Trump but he does good job so you just ridicule I no trust media and Putin is good for terrorist bombings in South and Central America elections they could be good allies so can you read russian?
  9. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Wait till you see his post in the other thread. Had me in fucking tears!:lol:
  10. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    My original reply to you wasn't an attack on you, I was pointing out that you and tty agreed, see his post above. My remark about "feelings" was reflecting on that.
  11. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    What supporters? You literally know nothing, why are you puffing yourself up so big? Relax for a second. Your worldview is amess with cognitive dissonance. You say you believe zero media, then where do you get your information? How do you fact check? Why would you blindly trust Obama hacked...
  12. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    You can't be serious. You just said Rule #5 was two different things. Reverse condescension just doesn't work when you are that dumb. Obvious troll or did I hit a nerve? Either way, I can't waste my time on your short-term memory, incoherent babbling conspiracy bullshit. I can't even agree with...
  13. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    lmfao, haven't learned how to read a map key in High School yet?
  14. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Your reading comprehension is zero. And you would trust the Russian Kremlin-controlled media over the US media? Or is it that the only US sources you find are far right conspiracy sites? No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right? Move to Russia, I...
  15. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    How old are you? I sounded like you when I was 14.
  16. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    You're not listening. Saying it again and exaggerating it even more while implying I'm stupid doesn't prove anything. It makes you a hypocrite for calling anyone who insults you a radical, but if you can't provide a credible source then you are the mislead, not I. Of course I know America has...
  17. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    That was a reply to you're insult. You radical rascal. "Pimping" ??? OK you really have been under a rock for 15+ years. We now call what you are doing "trolling."
  18. PCXV

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Got a source for the hacking claim? Move to Russia and report back to me in a few years. You have no clue. Have you been under a rock for the last 15 years? Russia has military ambitions beyond Ukraine and Syria. Putin's domestic policies oppress and silence any political dissent and...
  19. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    lol what is that weak shit? Oh ok you are literally falling asleep, now your babbling posts make more sense, and the sensitivity. I was digging at Trump more than you, unless you're a Trump die hard. Nobody can say what the flag means to other people. There's nothing to disagree with there.
  20. PCXV

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    Don't cry, you're incoherent when you cry.