So i have an appointment for FEB. 22 to get one of my wisom teeth pulled just wondering if anyone else has had 1 pulled.By the way what kind of cool pain-killers will they be giving me for the pain.:confused::peace:
Lol My uncle and my buddies were over for the game seriously think theres any food left in my house?:mrgreen: but seriously those fucking pigs ate it all.
I wish i had my own Island big enough to fit a medium sized mansion and a garden with every strain of weed ever invented and jessica simpson as my pot smoking sex obsessed wife. wow i love dreaming.
lol indeed...Guys condone me im scared...i tried to get into an argument in politics forum and theres some really intelligent potheads in there so i just made a fool of myself.
Okay there is no way im going to read all that and then come up with a valid response that will take me 30mins to come up with. I lose you guys win. Im going back to toke n talk to much drama involved in politics.I might hit up some COD4 while im at it.bongsmilie:dunce:
As long as your posts help you sleep at night im happy and im not going to satisfy you by saying a smart ass comment back. As i said i have my opinions and as long as we dont get another bush in there as president i am entitled to my opinions.In the infamous words of my idol Wilder Valderamma...