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  1. Cobnobuler

    Still waiting for an answer on those purple colours??

    This again really ? Why don't you just grow some plants or somethin ?
  2. Cobnobuler

    Yield question!!

    Shit I can't guess. I'm not allowed to look at shitty yellow HPS pictures. See, I'm supposed to stay away from things that aggravate me since I have a bad heart. So, Sorry.
  3. Cobnobuler

    detrimental defoliation?

    Well.....this technically is not yet an official thread on defoliation is it ? Theres a difference. Today we are discussing the potential presence of THC in the leaves defoliated correct ? If it does become a thread on defoliation, I'm leaving straight away.
  4. Cobnobuler

    detrimental defoliation?

    I'm imagining a slight headachy type of buzz. Just remember that ( contrary to what some believe around here ) the plant doesnt just make them for nothing.
  5. Cobnobuler

    Anthocyanins purple stems

    Whew....Man I am so glad that I understand that most of this shit doesn't mean a motherfuckin thing to a simple grower like myself. If it did, it wouldn't be any fun. Fuck dat. I didn't like school much either. I get distracted too easy.
  6. Cobnobuler

    Anthocyanins purple stems

    PS-- It's with thanks to guys like the Doc that I've made some progress in maintaining a healthy grow throughout the life cycle.
  7. Cobnobuler

    Anthocyanins purple stems

    Anything for the good Doc Sannies KF just jarred a couple weeks ago:
  8. Cobnobuler

    Your favorite nutrients and why

    A little Dyna Gro Foliage Pro A little Jacks Classic Petunia I dabble with a microscopic dose of Sea Green as well. All in very moderate doses. I consider other factors more important. I think sometimes people get a little too obsessed with nutrients then the next thing you know they ask "When...
  9. Cobnobuler

    6 plants 6 pounds?

    ...And some people jump on here and talk shit they don't know the 1st clue about and start throwing numbers out there as if they actually know something.
  10. Cobnobuler

    Amnesia Haze 1 day old!!

    How much discussion can there possibly be on a day old seedling ?
  11. Cobnobuler

    Is this a somewhat realistic idea?

    1 pounds x 29 pounds = 29 pounds.
  12. Cobnobuler

    will i be clean...

    If your really serious about beating it It's an old formula but still works. It saved my ass once when I really needed it.
  13. Cobnobuler

    Harvesting early

    "Dit dot da wong munt." ~~~ Igorian speak
  14. Cobnobuler

    will i be clean...

    Good chance. Stop the workouts just before testing
  15. Cobnobuler

    Old Grower - Novice Mistake

    So, is this the way chlorine treated plants would manifest itself as then, similar to N toxicity with a dark green clawing appearance ? Which would be useful to know.
  16. Cobnobuler

    Last Week or Two Flowering, Flush??

    Agree to flush to achieve what ?
  17. Cobnobuler

    Yield estimates anybody?

    He's doin 10-15 for cultivation
  18. Cobnobuler


    What are the sources of said " mixed reviews " ?
  19. Cobnobuler

    Why is it

    Three times ...!? Hell I gotta hang myself with a belt and stick one foot in a bucket of ice water to get one for fucks sakes.