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  1. AquafinaOrbit

    Can I add a breaker without turning off the power to the panal?

    I was pretty baked on my last comment, what I should of been talking about was a disconnect. I'm working on a house right now that has no disconnect on the panel board, but one is provided outside the meter base. Still though shouldn't be an issue if you can't find it. Just be smart and watch...
  2. AquafinaOrbit

    Can I add a breaker without turning off the power to the panal?

    You can work on a panel hot, and is often required because some business/homes just can't afford to lose power while you work on them. That being said, it's dangerous and you should be sure not to touch anything with your hand, it also helps to wrap your screw driver shaft in electrical tape. I...
  3. AquafinaOrbit

    Co2 ??????

    Well yeast is about 1$ for a three pack, and maintains a constant rate of Co2 production rather then a sudden burst that can harm the plants that quickly fades to a useless amount, so though you probably could it would be an odd way to go about it.
  4. AquafinaOrbit

    stolen seedling any tips?

    I never said he was your equal, I said he was lower then you. Who I said was the equal are the other 1000s of people on this forum are honest and are simply here to get some help in their hobby. Yet you guys seem to think its a better use of time to ride the high horse then it actually is to...
  5. AquafinaOrbit

    stolen seedling any tips?

    What really seems low here is not the fact that he stole, but that fact that people getting on their high horse have created over 12 pages of dribble when actual question are going unanswered. So if I got this right, it's better to flame someone you think lower then yourself then it is to help...
  6. AquafinaOrbit

    stolen seedling any tips?

    That's some strange looking growth from that angle, should upload a couple more pictures, then return it and plant your own. Not like it's a hard thing to get seeds
  7. AquafinaOrbit

    Well, Heres My Story.

    Amazing story man, thanks for putting some time into typing it for us all to read. Hopefully you'll find this hobby a bit less stressful. +Rep
  8. AquafinaOrbit

    Big enough to clone? and how many?

    Well the thing about waiting, is your plants bigger now so it will grow faster and faster as it's foliage can take in more and more energy. I'd still say it's possible, though opinions obviously vary.
  9. AquafinaOrbit

    Which is the lesser of 2 evils?? is an article about plants general usage of Co2. The usage is about the same but many people on here claim that temps of about 90F actually work best with the correct amount of Co2. I'd still try to keep your temps around 80F but...
  10. AquafinaOrbit

    Big enough to clone? and how many?

    Estimating since I can't see the entire plant but I wouldn't go more then 5 on it right now, but I think the plant would survive.
  11. AquafinaOrbit

    Digital Ballast vs Regular Ballast

    Amazon has a dimmable Lumatek for sale Patents don't seem to do a lot around here
  12. AquafinaOrbit

    too small to grow or no?

    8Ft tall isn't that short, could easily be done with a dominate Indica and cooltube reflector. Taking it's first grow though so guessing want to go cheap? If so your looking at CFLs mainly.
  13. AquafinaOrbit

    Which is the lesser of 2 evils??

    My plants were growing just fine in a box that averaged 85-95F, and with Co2 has been shown to be an optimum temperature.
  14. AquafinaOrbit

    Homemade CO2 Enriched water????

    No, it's been decided that you need CO2 at around 1200-1500PPM and a tank regulator combo is just one of the best ways to achieve that. The thing I don't like about enriched waters or just Co2 guns is that its a very high concentration for a short time and then drops drastically so you go from...
  15. AquafinaOrbit

    Droopy leaves

    Coud be a number of things, but generally a plant that goes from OK to droopy and overall week looking in a couple days means theirs root issues which 90% of the time is from over watering.
  16. AquafinaOrbit

    Thanks mom.. but what is it?

    That's from topping though
  17. AquafinaOrbit

    20/4 ? or 24/0 better to start seedlings? which

    Tons of people do 24/0, and tons do 18/6, some do 20/4. I used to be a firm believer in 24/0 for the first two weeks but honestly I've latley switched to 19/5 or 20/4 for all first couple weeks, then 18/6 because the plants on 24/0 grew such a minuet amount faster then the 18/6 plants that it...
  18. AquafinaOrbit

    Thanks mom.. but what is it?

    Indica is short and fat, Sativa is taller and linky. It's rare but I've had a plant a that grew two stems, almost like it self toppped below it even had a node, was pretty crazy and I honestly still have no idea what caused it besides just odd genetics. Probably not to late to clone, just don't...
  19. AquafinaOrbit

    Homemade CO2 Enriched water????

    Yes. It's the same concept as the people who give their plants carbonated water, except your making your water not buying it.
  20. AquafinaOrbit

    Anybody Know Ways To Quick Dry?

    Wrap a handful of damp-rid in a paper towel and put it in a mason jar, then put weed in the same jar and let sit. Since the humidity will be so low in the jar it will dry the weed quicker, and no heat is required. Still will take some time though.