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  1. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 32.
  2. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 31 + 7 Hours Pic 1- The clowns @ harrys hydro told me the city water was good enough with the BC Nutes not to waste my money on the PH tester. Jamie and Joe @ 3rd Coast Hydro got kinda pissed and GAVE me a PH test kit for free to check it. Then sold me an $11 bottle PH down for $8.50...
  3. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 31. I'm cutting it off where my fingers are @.
  4. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    DWC vs. dirt... Got the twin loaded with a #7 NorthrenBerry and a PurpleSkunk under a Hortilux 400w Super HPS. got to wait to see the bloom room!!! Oh, the light was lowered and the mothers were put back in their area.
  5. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 30, 5 hours. Time based on the day I sealed the bag to germinate. 8-29-2010 @ 6PM. Just to let you know.
  6. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    This is going to my boys 1200w Veg room then into the 3000w Bloom room. He can grow 90 some plants and I'm showin him how DWC will kill dirt. If he likes it, Two 18 plot Ebb & Gro systems with a 1000w light on 9 plants. The plan is to harvest 9 plants every other week. I'm his #1 helper and the...
  7. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Just swapped out #2 with #3. It's got the best lookin growth.
  8. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 29, 11" tall and new pump.
  9. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    It's 11" tall and smelling oh so yummy!!!
  10. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    I'll post the height tomorrow. But I bet it's about a foot. Could you save a side shot and show me where to clone it @??? I got a good idea, but I just want to make sure. But just big enough to bloom to see the sex. Taking it to my boyz 3000w bloom room to grow it out. Even if it's a male, the...
  11. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    It's on there to make the mini-rez dark inside. It's not intended to reflect the light.
  12. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 28.
  13. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Do you recall the creators name???
  14. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Pump on HIGH and it flows back real good!!!
  15. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 27. Got the 3/4 drain fittings so that will be done tonight!!!
  16. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    I seen a few different DWC logos and had to have one. Not sure who made the logo with the roots but I added the Club DWC in blue/black. If you also want to use it please feel free.
  17. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    My mini DWC for rooting and blooming a clone to see the sex. Either I let it grow until it shows the sex or I bloom a clone so I know. The sooner I know the better!!! Shown next to a 6" net cup. 3" net cup in the Folgers Coffee container. 4" air stone in 4 cups of nutes.
  18. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Thanks for the fast responce.
  19. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    Day 26 from a seed. Pic1 Door hung low to let the heat out. Pic2 Doors off. Pic3 Top growth. Pic4 Side growth. Pic5 Root growth. Pic6 ???Are these the sex parts???
  20. BuddGreen

    My DWC Set-up...

    I'm gonna make some foam heat shields here soon. Also plan on swappin out the control bucket for a sport cooler when I change to Bloom Nutes. Lights on in 35 minutes.