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  1. H

    gun law reform... please!

    I would never wish to fight my own govt. you lefties think you got us pegged. I been in the shit canndo I have a combat action ribbon and was in the USMC infantry. And I know enough to know this canndo, you know not what you speak of.
  2. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Letting everyone vote????????? are u dumb. The Demos want illegals immigrants thats your everyone. Thats fukin crazy. They did that in the UK and have a fukin mess on there hands. Look I don't think either one of them are fit to wash my jock. but if i gotta pick based on performance...
  3. H

    gun law reform... please!

    No your right mate. But Having served in the Big Green Machine. I don't think those men would do anything to hurt there own people. Now I know some would, but imo there is enough that won't to send the country into some sort of civil war and to the victory belongs the spoils, and maker of the rules.
  4. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Seem lots of folks in your party have trouble reading. What did Nancy say, no I haven't read the bill, we have to pass it first..... Holy shit these are the people you want running the country...really
  5. H

    gun law reform... please!

    Yes you do canndo you intentionally miss the point to suit what you want to say. you got me fuked up with somebody else. you won't get my my guns and I knows lots folks that feel the same way. Either your very young or very naive.
  6. H

    Banning = boring

    Glad hes (UB) gone and I'm sure hes watching. fuk off you tit...LOL.
  7. H

    gun law reform... please!

    You miss the point alot. By your way of thinking we should all never try to do anything cause the govt will get us. fuk them. come to my door ask for my guns and give me an ultimatium i will fuk you up.
  8. H

    gun law reform... please!

    Good thing out founding fathers didn't think like you or we'd still be ruled by England.
  9. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Heres a start Bob Dylan once wrote, "There's no success like failure [we learn from our mistakes], and failure is no success at all." So what has Mr. Obama learned from his mistakes? Admitting to no mistakes during the past three years, "success" is exactly the way the Obama administration...
  10. H

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Lookin good Mr west!!! Cheer mate have a good weekend
  11. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Oh but have provided you with the freedom to say all the terrible things you are saying, in most of the rest of the world if you say the things you say you would disappear . Look we just see things differently. Thats what makes our country great. But Obamas way is unproven at best and has been...
  12. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Seriously, they got convicted in every state they were in. Your equating the military to a rental car is terrible. I think when you get older you may feel differently. IMO you don't deserve the freedom (the Military) provides canndo. In this election there is a choice between two very...
  13. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    This was a top down decision at ACRON. register as many as possible. So they can vote in the Demo primary/election. Are you all are really trying to excuse what they did. Come on. Keep drinking the Kool aid kiddies thats what Obama wants you to do.
  14. H

    General Hydroponics - (FloraNova Line) Review Request

    Can't say enough good things about FloraNova. Great Product. Use as directed.
  15. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    LOL sprayed skunk, he won't be able to see right
  16. H

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    I have been using one for 20 years. They are awsome for festivals concerts at the PUB on the back porch... The one hitter look like a cig/fag so no one really knows who it is...
  17. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Who cares if ACORN turned them in they still committed voters fraud on a NATIONAL scale. Canndo was tryin to say it wasn't as bad as what Ohio is doing but in my opinion its much worse and the record speaks for itself. And Obama was supported and took campaign contribution from them. So as I...
  18. H

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    LOL,,, yes sir I have been putting some of my favs back. Looking forward to your arrival!
  19. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Here ya go canndo heres a list of voters fraud ACORN was involved in. So maybe your WRONG. Recent Fraud State Year Details AR 1998 A contractor with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote was...
  20. H

    GOP is disgusting slime

    Thats your Demo opinion canndo. not interested in that. they both are fukin terrible for this country. all they want to do is take our money.