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  1. BakingcoOkiez

    Is this light a good deal?

    When 6 LED's can cover a 15x15 and produce 18+ lbs, LMK.
  2. BakingcoOkiez

    Is this light a good deal?

    No LED will ever replace 1000 watt de for area coverage and yeild. I don't care if that LED has 1200 watts.
  3. BakingcoOkiez

    Light leaks during veg?

    What happens when you have light leaks during veg? Im aware that there should be none what so ever during flower but what about veg? Can the plants still hermie during a vegetive state with light leaks?
  4. BakingcoOkiez

    Wet trim vs dry trim?

    What's a proper temp and RH for drying. I usually just go off of what my room gives me :/
  5. BakingcoOkiez

    Wet trim vs dry trim?

    I've notice alot of people still doing wet trim even though dry trim is recommended for best flavor and smell. Is there something special about wet trimming that I'm missing?
  6. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    Lol I have no idea. As far as what peoples been saying, sounds like I'm headed in the right direction.
  7. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    Yes sir, got 4 fans blowing on all 4 walls of the room.
  8. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    Believe it or not, this is a full canapoy in a 12x12 with just 4 phantom de fixtures. I'm maximizing the cross lighting with the open reflectors. I'm pretty amazed with the outcome seeing most people do a 4x4 or 5x5 coverage per 1k watt fixture.
  9. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    Gotta do what you gotta do when you weren't prepared. Took many hours but I go her done. Lmao
  10. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    a little 4k setup I got going on. Trying to hit that 10+ lbs. Lol
  11. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    Thanks fellas. Much love.
  12. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    I'm running critical mass. I have a few different phenos. This one and a few others in particular is the slowest growing ones. With tons of white pistils. The others have been chuncking up nicely compared to these. Like a pretty big difference. Just got me kinda sad. I just hope that these...
  13. BakingcoOkiez

    Why is there so much pistils!?

    This is day 44. Why is there so much pistils? The buds seem to be very airy as well. Room temp 80. RH 55. Feed Is floranova bloom. I pray they swole up.
  14. BakingcoOkiez

    What deficiency?!

  15. BakingcoOkiez

    What does a 5lb outdoor plant look like?

    I was hoping these were 5 pounders. Lol!
  16. BakingcoOkiez

    What does a 5lb outdoor plant look like?

    Holy shit.... So this is what a 5 pounder looks like?!?!?
  17. BakingcoOkiez

    What does a 5lb outdoor plant look like?

    Trying to get an idea of what a 5 pound plant looks like. Pictures would be nice. Thank you!
  18. BakingcoOkiez

    How to operate a collective grow? Any help?
  19. BakingcoOkiez

    How to operate a collective grow? Any help?

    Like what's the difference in applying for a collective vs cooperative? How would I go about getting started? Like is there a online site where I can apply for a collective or cooperative? Where do I get the pappers to sign up. How do I get approved? Do I need a location with a warehouse or...
  20. BakingcoOkiez

    How to operate a collective grow? Any help?

    Thanks alot man I appreciate it. But how are you able to be in 10 co-ops? You are required to provide all member recommendation to the sheriff's office. Wouldn't it raise a red flag if you have 10 locations??