Search results

  1. Jester88

    Essex's - home brewed, Wilkinsons 100% organic flower nute mix.

    hehe i believe you and me gots mixed up a bit lol. i was saying i every now and then throw some slow release organic ferts into my soil mix sometimes, yes i know that red phosis used in theprocessof drug manufacture but it isstill really easily available, just take it offthe striker pads of...
  2. Jester88

    Essex's - home brewed, Wilkinsons 100% organic flower nute mix.

    youll be right bro.... youll realise unless going for ultimate reults that the best way to d this is just get a good feel for the plants. the plan seems fairly sound but again are you sure thats all your getting, this isnt realy making your ferts frm scratch so very viable but what you...
  3. Jester88

    My second grow, any ideas? work in progress

    yeah thres also other good sources of potassium bro, but yeah like i said mushrooms are good shit. so are fish bro my soils often vary, what can i say i like to make my own soils and nutrients too hehe,
  4. Jester88

    Confidential Cheese and wembley.

    this is when you bring in a comparison test bro..... which do you preffer, what does what, but then again youll have to wait to see the real outcome lol. you could always copmpare to one of the same age lol. thrn people could know which has the better bud to be cheeky with lol. dont worry bro...
  5. Jester88

    My second grow, any ideas? work in progress

    do it no shit ;). i bet ya like the results, possibly do a side by sider if ya dont believe me, just brew a mushie tea seperatrely and only add to one plantys feeding or something...
  6. Jester88

    Whats The Strongest Strain Out Now?

    plus wouldnt something of those stATURES AND Values dominate all the cups..... hhmmmmmm fishy. defo not a jesters recommended place those guys lmfao
  7. Jester88

    Safe, Discreet, Dank Seeds

    lol. pretty fucked up but dont get angry bro.... have u ever counted and sorted heaps of seed lol. its a bitch of a job.. a job where u must be blazed, looing through em for viables etc. hehe still, not something ya hear of all the time... i got 5 querkle andthe best bean was cracked but hey...
  8. Jester88

    A Case Full Of Glass

    new genetics.... hehe wish i could afford to travel and get them lol. most of us have to rely on the postal service lol.
  9. Jester88

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    ive noticed if you go by hair colour that more seem to go brown if you expose them to more dark... but thats just from personal experience and oppinion... appart from that yeah like westy said i see no real point... plus continuous cycles could potentiially be fucked unless you do as westy said...
  10. Jester88

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    aaaah the hold still ya little bastard pic lmfao
  11. Jester88

    My second grow, any ideas? work in progress

    potassium and phosphorous be your main needs atm bro. help fill out and keep a good structure. mushrooms are good for phosphorous :)
  12. Jester88

    1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

    i have a few days off because of internet trouble and bam shit all happens lol. keep up the good work bro.... damn i do believe its rep time lol. its fucked gonna have to fix my main pc, so i dont geton as much AS ITS THE MISSUS'S LAPPY .... dont mind the odd caps still getting used to the feel...
  13. Jester88

    A Case Full Of Glass

    yeah even i have to agree no lamies yet.... though im not a fan of short pipes or short stems his look pretty dyno... hehe one day ill be happily toking a big bud from my very own fdd piece.... watching him works made me want to take it up as a hobby too but i have no fucking idea where to...
  14. Jester88

    Time to make some opium!

    alll the varieties have decent sized poppies, there will be some small ones butthe majority of them are big or as you described bro..... though SWIM says theres not much differance, besides he can fit more in the pot if theres a mix in size. are theze az ones the tiny ones that are around, id...
  15. Jester88

    Time to make some opium!

    there are only one kind of poppie ur after bro and a few varieties there are 3 i know of they have different colours and are known to have different traces of choice opiods in them, the red ones are the most commonly used. do some looking around a good one will give you the general ratios of...
  16. Jester88

    Kmoo's Blueberry and Trainwreck Coco grow!

    yeah ive seen napolean. the missus loved it... but true it still no girls lol i cant see pics either :(
  17. Jester88

    Kmoo's Blueberry and Trainwreck Coco grow!

    i smoke ciggies, also spin my weed, that way i am just mainly pulling bongs lol. on average i toke most of the day so yeah its how i toke.... have the odd straty here and there but yeah i just dont get the same stoned and have to have a ciggy afterwards anyway.. though i must say at times i use...
  18. Jester88

    High Times Cannabis Cup Winners: 1988 - 2007

    yeah i already said i agree with that earlier bro hehe :) but the problem is people arent educated on these things well enough and unknowing growers may contaminate someon elses plants and genepools. i wish someone wuld do it with some good genetics breed for pottent/stable genetics then it...
  19. Jester88

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    electrical tape and a plastic container.. my current ones metal.... ill make my own diy soon k :). it will be a bit late i fear but yeah it will get there sorry bro
  20. Jester88

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    hehe yeah i know what they be but in the pic they look like ther coco wrapped in plastic (lighting etc). i just thought it was funny.