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  1. pinxpointxpupil

    35 days in and plant (ak47 x lowryder) is super small.. help

    autoflowers are so dope, my friend just harvested an unknown auto a few weeks ago, was about 14'' tall and had one solid ass nug all the way through. Some fruity shit tho
  2. pinxpointxpupil

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    yeah dude if i get any males im moving them in the woods and letting them get massive so i can make some hash along with havin some dank to smoke from my lady also doing crazy shit to males like you said is very good for experience. Just so you can baby your females and still know the signs...
  3. pinxpointxpupil

    35 days in and plant (ak47 x lowryder) is super small.. help

    yeah dude you have ENOUGH light it just isn't close enough to be effective...I have two plants growing under 9 14w 2700k CFLs (so like 125w) and the older one is gettin pretty huge after 28 days while the other one is young still but really healthy... And I have a water softener that uses salt...
  4. pinxpointxpupil

    One week's growth. How's she comin along?

    Ok so it's been 5 days since my last pics, I'll have some up tomorrow or something, my baby is in flowering now, she's about a foot tall and showing some female signs so lets hope it is!! Bump bump
  5. pinxpointxpupil

    My seeds came in a wallet

    OH LORD we are all going to jail XD
  6. pinxpointxpupil

    So whats the difference between HPS and CFL??

    yeah CLFs are soooo easy to work with due to the low heat. I was just tryin to tell the OP that HPS will ALWAYS be better than CFLs. (As far as producing high yeild, high potency buds, not to say there are no/less problems associated with HPS)
  7. pinxpointxpupil

    after i flush my plant........

    i feel like with most nutes yer gonna want to go easy with nutes, especially after (I'm assuming you had this, anyway) some serious nute burning/damage... I'd so go a tad easy on that shit. As to how long after flushing...that's up to someone else to answer lol
  8. pinxpointxpupil

    Quick Hitter Male or female?

    separate it now, you dont HAVE to kill it just make sure you clean yourself of the pollen off of your clothes/body when you fuck with the male. Practice topping/fimming or just generally trying to fuck it up and see it's reaction. It can build some experiance.
  9. pinxpointxpupil

    The best bong water alternative ever !!!!

    I usually prefer human blood in my bong.... Ha jk, but who smoked with liquor in their bong??? Would that not be bad? Inhaling alcohol fumes or somethin?
  10. pinxpointxpupil

    do you know when it willl flower

    dude if your problem is the size of the plant you can always do some shit to make it smaller (which is probably too late now actually) like topping it or som supercropping or Low stress training. What is all that shit you say??? UTFSE
  11. pinxpointxpupil

    So whats the difference between HPS and CFL??

    Lol dude I think if you ever actually SAW what a HPS will do to a room, you would not be arguing for CFLs. It literally turns the room yellow, it's nuts. CFLs just won't grow the very best, most yeilding crop, not that they wont work fine to produce a harvest..
  12. pinxpointxpupil

    when silver solution is used

    why in the hell would you want a female to produce pollen....and then smoke it?????
  13. pinxpointxpupil

    So whats the difference between HPS and CFL??

    dude use HPS they are way better. Look at any commercial grow or even any good grow, HPS is always used for flowering... I don't know the science or any equations about a High Pressure Sodium bulb but I DO know for a fact that with CFLs you have to keep them like 2 inches away lol, maybe not...
  14. pinxpointxpupil

    Is this good weed?

    lol the only way to find out is to send me a sample :D
  15. pinxpointxpupil

    Do i REALLY need fans in my small grow box?

    you def want air circulating at all times.... it fights pests, builds your stem (this is disputed but i believe it does this), and fights moldy buds
  16. pinxpointxpupil

    is deironized water okay ? isit the same as distilled, what is the best water to use

    Really? Why? My house uses one of those and my plants love the RO water....
  17. pinxpointxpupil

    she refuses to stop!!!

    Like rocky balboa
  18. pinxpointxpupil

    Easiest Way 2 Kill A Marijuana Plant?

    First you have to buy a lot of dope (heroin) and rock (crack cocaine) Fix up a shot for your plant so it's noddin reeeeall hard then offer to smoke some crack with her. She'll be high as fuck and probably just say yes, so pack up a whole 20 in that glass dick and light it for her... If this...
  19. pinxpointxpupil

    One week's growth. How's she comin along?

    bump I sort of changed my mind on getting those fatter bulbs. I figure staying on 2700k is my best bet for flowering. I DID buy a few y splitters thought, great buy...went to my local hardware store got 3 for under ten dollars all together. Just added 3 more lights so hopefully that will get...
  20. pinxpointxpupil

    Slow release nutrients??

    Yeah i'm using it as recommended man. Other than the fact i went a BIT easy on the suggested amount to use. (Said use a heaping tablespoon per pot so i just did a light tablespoon) But did you say you CAN'T burn your plants with this shit??? Is that because its organic or what??