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  1. pinxpointxpupil

    One week's growth. How's she comin along?

    I'm assuming some kind of hybrid, it's bag seed from some legit regs.... Prolly not the best genetics but it's my first grow so I'll be happy with some kind of crop. My feeling is that it will be pretty good ha
  2. pinxpointxpupil

    Show me what ya got????? best pic's.... get +rep...

    2 weeks 3 days lol had it mixed up at first
  3. pinxpointxpupil

    One week's growth. How's she comin along?

    Lol hopefully it's a girl, anyway: Pics are in a fucked up order but you can look on the bottom right of the pic at the file name and it will say the dates/what you are looking at soooooooo.... How's that shit looking???
  4. pinxpointxpupil

    Whats the point of dense nugs?

    wellll to me this is like asking like why smoke dank bud hahha i mean i guess it is up to opinion but dense nugs contain more bud so thats like saying do you like more or less bud???? i personally like more i dont know about anyone else on this site lmaoo
  5. pinxpointxpupil


    yeah dude im planning on doing both. I have 3 shop lights and i want to put y splitters on each of them. That way i can have 6 bulbs in one space. and they're all hooked up to a power strip
  6. pinxpointxpupil

    How much will i harvest from 4 plants ?

    HAHAHA .2 or .3 bro, and thats FAT for 4 plants.
  7. pinxpointxpupil

    ** mythbusters **

    yeah i mean come on i shit on myself like 3 times a week at least bro! IT'S FINE!!! Save the social isolation, embarrassment, insanely high costs of buying new clothes/underwear all the time but come onnnnnnnn it's finee
  8. pinxpointxpupil


    lol i dont know what that is
  9. pinxpointxpupil

    How much will i harvest from 4 plants ?

    lol you gotta give more info than just HOW MUCH WILL I GET??? Nobody here can predict the future..if you give out lots of details right off the bat you're more likely to get a legit answer. Lol second thread I've had to say this in today.
  10. pinxpointxpupil


    Rollitup Last Activity 04-25-2010 06:55 PM he hasn't been on in like 2 months? can anybody explain this lol? i know this isn't in the right area but sooo many ppl see gen mj growing i figured id post it here Edit: Lol I know this forum isn't the basis of everyone's life but i figured the...
  11. pinxpointxpupil

    Opinion please.

    All about sativa strains and high THC content compared to other cannabinoids.
  12. pinxpointxpupil

    If someone broke in and found your grow?

    LOL now that is some bad ass shit dude, automated pepper spray cannons!
  13. pinxpointxpupil

    how much wud?

    hha but really bro were better off pulling a number out of a hat at this point. need mo info Edit: and 10'' in diameter cola nugs??? damn that's a crazy plant you are growing lol Is it actually growing yet? or are you just putting these numbers down as what you feel is most ideal for you? 2...
  14. pinxpointxpupil

    how much wud?

    lol a hundred kilos!
  15. pinxpointxpupil

    If someone broke in and found your grow?

    Panzerfoust. All i got to say man. If you don't know what that is, google it.
  16. pinxpointxpupil

    HYdro store trip

    lol what outlaws! Good thing cultivating and smoking pot is legal everywhere wheeew.
  17. pinxpointxpupil

    ** mythbusters **

    Lol just imagining eating buds as big as heads of cabbage. And then YOU try to control your bodily functions.
  18. pinxpointxpupil

    ** mythbusters **

    Damn bro that is some sad shit!!! My dog kinda seemed to enjoy it she just chilled out. But yeah def not something to EVER do on purpose dude if your dog wants to get high they'll just ask you to smoke...right???
  19. pinxpointxpupil

    9+ weeks and still can't tell

    ha yeah I'm pretty sure most plants just about double up in size after being put into 12/12
  20. pinxpointxpupil


    lol this topic name makes me laugh everytime i see it. haha WHAT IS THIS CONFOUND TECHNOLOGY???? everyones like what?? the light? the bud? the house? wtf are you talkin about man?? lol not bustin anyones balls just high n laughin