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  1. K

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Hey thundercat... i like your light setup ,,, if you dont mind me asking how did you make the light ficture.. i am tryin to man a 3 bulb light ficture... any ideas
  2. K

    CFL setup

    can someone help me out on how to get a nice Cfl setup.. i am a newb and would like to use compact floresents. anyone got an idea
  3. K

    how much light for the new growth

    i was wondering how much light a seed needs after in the ground?
  4. K


    should the box be taller.... i cant go any wider but im sure i can make it taller....
  5. K

    Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

    so take the ten foil out and paint the inside white?
  6. K

    Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

    how do i lower the heat even more? what if i painted the inside of the box white and took the ten foil out ?
  7. K

    Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

    i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot? i
  8. K

    Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

    i used your setup.. i have a fan going in... and a fan going out. I have one warm whit florescent and one CFL in the box and it stays at a 83 degrees ... is this to hot?
  9. K


    is 81 degrees 2 how for a grow box. my box is 33 inches tall. and 2 feet in lengthe and width. i have ten foil inside my box with a whole in the bottom of the box for a 9 inch fan to push air in and a whole in the top for a 4 inch fan blowing air out. without these fans my box hit about 96...
  10. K

    Basic Design on a 2 foot wide and long box and 33 inches deep...

    I have set up my grow box. its deminsions are 2 foot wide , almost 2 feet long and 33 inches deep. I have a floresenct warm light and CFL 23 wattin there currently. I was wondering what would be a good way to keep it cool.. i am also thinking about getting a 250 watt hps and need some help with...
  11. K

    Grow Box design

    I am currently designing a grow box. The box is about 35 inches tall about a foot and a half wide. i am lining the inside with tenfoil as well as the top of the box... i was wondering if there should be any on the bottom. I also just purchased some great value CFL (soft white) and was wondering...
  12. K

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    so were would i go to get a set up like this... i am onlygrowing two plants at a time in a space no bigger than 2 foot wide, 2 foot long, and 5 feet up. its in my closet. I have a dresser in there that cant really move. I am planning on getting some lights today but i dont know wich to get with...
  13. K

    Im broke!

    I am broke and as everyone knows florecent lights are cheap. But do they work?
  14. K

    I have a 2 foot by 2 foot grow space!?!

    true.... well i am going to get the light and set some things up and reply on my status when i get everything going.
  15. K

    I have a 2 foot by 2 foot grow space!?!

    yeah i am going to shop around for my light 2marrow. What is LST i looked but could not find anything..
  16. K

    I have a 2 foot by 2 foot grow space!?!

    Yes I am a total newb at this and i have a small grow space. It is in my closet and is only 2 foot by 2 foot. I am only growing one or two plants so i thought it would be enough space. What kind of set up should i go with? (lights, fans...etc.)