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  1. smallclosetgrowr

    1st time grower here.

    for 1 plant u would need 5-6 20w tubes, to even get close to a decent yeild. goto your hardware/lighting stores and try find a 100watt bulb
  2. smallclosetgrowr

    i know not lookin good just wanna know why???

    its simple to much of 1 nutrient can lock out the other/others.... to much P can lock out calcium for an example.
  3. smallclosetgrowr

    Are droopy leaves after dark normal?

    yea of course, sometimes my plants might slighty start drooping an hour b4 lights off cos they no its comming.
  4. smallclosetgrowr

    Keeping your plants alive while going on vacation

    ive gota go away on holidays for 8days soon, iv got my plants outdoors in the blazing heat not sure wat im gonna do.... should i maybe found like a huge tub and pin prick a hole in it so it contrantly drips ?lol i got nothing ...
  5. smallclosetgrowr

    How many sets

    yep every plant is different and different lighting can tighten the distance between nodes
  6. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    yeah i generally allways spot my male plants 2 weeks b4 the females.males grow balls really quick even in "Veg" there just very small. easy to spot if u no wat to look for.
  7. smallclosetgrowr

    brown spots during flowering pics included please help

    Your over feeding your plant/ nute burn.classic signs are your leave tips brown/curling and the side of the leaves brown,and of course nute burn starts from the top then down. I would lay off the flowering nutes and try feeding organically or not at it looks like your locking out a nute...
  8. smallclosetgrowr

    Help Please

    It's hard tO even see the plants get a better pic , also don't wet the foliage with your hps on
  9. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    u from Melb.? I got some mango seedsnu can have free, not sure how Aussie it is tho
  10. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I've got tons of mango seeds on me to many to grow .....
  11. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    . They almost did the other day the fucking wind knocked down my bamboo panels I had up,lucky the panels landed on my plants , hardy things were back up n growing a day later
  12. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    just an update on my grow, pic 1 is 3 lowryders about 2months old got another 2-3 to much for 60day yeild... 2nd pic is my little grow area i chucked up some bamboo panels to fuck off the neighbours "even tho its so obvious wat im growing" there is 3 cotton candy feminized.and 3 kc45 , 1...
  13. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    im to sure on how much direct light they get i would say maybe 8hrs but that would be a guess ,ill find out 2morrow sativa strains are cotton candy and kc 45
  14. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hey guys i just planted my sativa's from my greenhouse outdoors in the ground, they are only about a foot tall due to it being to hot in the question being tho do u think they could still be semi big ?or is it 2far along in the year allready ?ive only really grown indicas.ill...
  15. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hmm my lowryders I have got outdoors with my tomatoes are starting to get a black/moldy leaf curl but so are the tomatoes next to them , I'm starting to think the tomatoes have gave my babies blight!!!! Anyone no if this is even possible?
  16. smallclosetgrowr

    Lowryder #2 auto, plant is too short?

    Some lowryders are just weak ,being autos n all.out of 4 I got 1 plant like yours yet all my plants were in the same condition
  17. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread There ya go ,farmer,toxer ......deer park
  18. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Wait not pakenham , I'll find out 2nite tho I can't remember ATM,it's near us tho.
  19. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I'm not to sure on wat the laws and penalties are in Vic , anyone no wat I'd be looking at if I got caught with about 12 plants ."
  20. smallclosetgrowr

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Also toxer if your from Melb n still lookin for bubble bags a store in pakenham sells em