IMO it's sort of profession related jokes, like IT people laugh from elder people who lift their mouse in a vertical direction for the pointer to go up. Ofc, for everybody else that might sound rude, but I doubt that anybody in here are being rude or ignorant. And BTW, most of them are really...
looks like it has both preflowers and forming budsites already. Leaves look dark green, do not increase N, but so far no foxtailing of cupping, I wouldn't say you have a N toxicity. Go ahead take a chair, popcorns and watch it growing!
+rep man, great job. Although bear in mind that after flip, your plants will stretch like 3 times. Now make sure you have vertical space and enough lights to support them, otherwise vegging for too long could also be a bad thing.. due to a lot of branches however skinny and lanky ones with...
haha nice, happy for ya.
about the smell I had that too, but my buds were dry and crusty and only when broken with a grinder they were giving aroma, but man, after I dropped that boveda pack, lol odor fills all the bar(where I keep my jars) and 1 meter around it hehe, not so good for stealth...
hehe yeah man, that's why my reaction was a bit overwhelmed, did not expect you to say that, just wanted to make sure some newbies will not go out of this thread parroting that, cause I've seen that already quite a few times..
About not making mistakes I have no clue how to do that, I myself...
also if you want you can try to root that top, just removing lower fan leaves, cutting the very end diagonally with a paper knife and sticking into wet soil, if you have rooting hormone that would be handy, if not, I'd say don't worry, I rooted mine without any hormones. And do some fine mist...
hell yeah! :)) I think cut right in the middle between 3rd and 4th node. auxins gets redirected first to top node, then 2nd from top, then 3rd, after you'll be able to pick, remove side branches on that lowest node and leave only on 2nd and 3rd. should be seeing some side growth withing 2 days ;)
last week i ordered potassium silicon, same ratio as protekt, but instead of 11% its like 33% of that thing... but i've read that is has ~11ph and i am already watering with 7.5-8ph water, Kite do you think that soil will still be able to buffer this? or do i need start thinking of ph...
WHOA MAN.. did you lower the net or are they growing that fast? :D beauties! Stems look really thin, will they support those huge upcoming colas I foresee in your grow tent? :lol:
oh man... sorry to hear that.. heat over 100 is really bad, hopefully you'll save some of them. if carbon filter is too big I'd say get ONA blocks or gel. People are really happy with this product and saying that it eliminates the odor flawlessly. Do not give up, once you'll get through the...
nice man, lookin' beautiful. I see in pics that your top leave edges are curling up a bit, I'd say this is light heat stress, I'd raise lamp few inches.
You mentioned using some bone meal? Don't. It's P food. Indoors in soil you will not need it, this is rarely a problem, unless you'll overfeed...
I'd say personal preference comes after you understand how that THC, CBD are working with your body. Then, you get the knowledge about the timing of those cannabinoids and there you have you personal preference when to chop.
People are very helpful around here and everybody has their own or...