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  1. Am I Norml

    **Nirvana's Feminized White Widow CFL Grow**

    if you put her in a 24 to 36 hour dark period right before you put her in flower sometimes i have seen them pop pistols overnight... im really happy for you tho i would have been mad FOR you if it would have been a male that plant looked too good :)
  2. Am I Norml

    I DONT CARE WAT U SAY! im doin it!

    now THAT is what IM talkin about :weed:
  3. Am I Norml

    Fractus is back for a second styro-grow!

    the real question you want to ask yourself at this stage of the game it really gonna hurt to try... i would seriously if i was you ..go with something in the 3 gallon range.. cant make it worse and might just help it out HUGE
  4. Am I Norml

    NooB Advice

    lol they don't call them Super Skunk for nothing i be that far into flower you pissing them skunks off had your whole house tore up with the stink lol all i have to do is pet my skunks a little and you almost cant breath in the room bongsmilie
  5. Am I Norml

    NooB Advice

    no sadly enough i didn't expect much out of it so i never made a thread about my closet monster but truthfully i think the stress on them is going to be too much for them Ive already had to kill 2 males and one hermi and i have another one i fear about to go hermi on me also..if im lucky i might...
  6. Am I Norml

    noob advice

    see that is how i look at it ...if it aint broke...don't fix it... if you have had good results with something get the drift :bigjoint:
  7. Am I Norml

    Ok.. now what?

    those are new bud sites growing :) where your fan leaves come off the plant right in the crook of it that is where your branches for bud sites will grow out...your looking good man ... just give me a little nutes and your gonna be fine :)
  8. Am I Norml

    need urgent advice on attitude

    lol ... and thus the term *assweed* is born ... lol
  9. Am I Norml

    noob advice

    tomato nutrients work good for weed plants...seems they are basically respondent in the same areas when it comes to food needs ...
  10. Am I Norml

    Ok.. now what?

    instead of worrying about mixing alot of crap with the soil its better to just start a good regiment of nutrients to keep up the plants health .. start small with your 1/4 strength then gradually increase ..
  11. Am I Norml

    New to growing tell me what you think...

    alot of people do that to get the fans back some so they dont cover bud sites its better to trim them than to eliminate them :bigjoint:
  12. Am I Norml

    Fractus is back for a second styro-grow!

    i personally would give her just a touch of 20-20-20 and see ...usually if you increase the N it will make the plant naturally uptake the micronutes if its locked out on them.. just a thought you might want to try...just go easy :bigjoint:
  13. Am I Norml

    DEA at it again

    well the one thing we all know is if your gonna slap the DEA in the face you better get prepared for a punch in the jaw.. MAIN RULE OF GROWING .. SHUT YOUR FACE !! :wall:
  14. Am I Norml

    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    damn im glad my wife loves me and loves what i grow ...too many crazy bitches and i wouldn't have any more room to bury bodies bongsmilie
  15. Am I Norml

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    there is also a killer DIY carbon filer on you tube cant find it atm but soon as i do ill post it its just pantyhose inside a piece of pipe filled with charcoal takes like 10 seconds to make :)
  16. Am I Norml

    Fractus is back for a second styro-grow!

    for being zink deficient it sure is growing aint it lol:bigjoint:
  17. Am I Norml

    noob advice

    well if you noticed in his pictures he is using peat plugs to start them so i asume he is going to do a soil grow and the nutes he is using prolly didn't cost him 10 bucks for all of it... now using miracle grow soil and all those pre nuted soils will fuck up your grow bad if you aren't careful...
  18. Am I Norml

    noob advice

    ok i got to ask how is one molecule of nitrogen, potassium etc...etc.. different from the other ?? i have used MG nutes for years for vegg and i get nice plants ... and African violet food is KILLER for bloom nutes :) you don't have to blow hundreds of dollars on nutrients you just have to have...
  19. Am I Norml

    Ok.. now what?

    dark destruction is right about the preflowers and the states needed to produce them...and as for your wonderful mix of minerals in your soil....MJ is a very hungry plant and it will burn through your nutrients in your soil in a very short period of time ..bongsmilie
  20. Am I Norml

    New to growing tell me what you think...

    killed a male today ~!@#$%_)(*&^%$#@ :cuss: