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  1. Double0verhead

    God.. FUCK FLUSHING!!!!!!

    too hell with your little dunce faces, this person just came in my thread and said stop asking questions, so i did the same
  2. Double0verhead

    God.. FUCK FLUSHING!!!!!!

    stop asking so many questions
  3. Double0verhead

    Best Food When High

    cottage cheese with pineapple
  4. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    oh, sorry I just looked at a picture of your face in your profile, I can now see why your so mad at the world...:idea::shock::lol:
  5. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    if its annoying then dont read it, its more annoying to see people spend their time typing bull shit like you did moron
  6. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    your an idiot, i could go to google... or ask a question on a site thats made for asking questions, and the instructions that came with my ph meter were shit so fuck off
  7. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    wheres the best place to buy some cheap solutions on the internet
  8. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    they only sent one packet of shit, the 7.01...damnit
  9. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    set the buffer? sheesh i dont understand what you mean by set the buffer?
  10. Double0verhead

    Dinner Art

    HOLY SHIT! YOUR A GENIUS MAN, I would have never thought of that i ruined my last screen holding a lighter under it trying to burn away everything that was clogged
  11. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    ahhhh i just noticed the calibration knobs on the back haha
  12. Double0verhead

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    well let me re-phrase that, i vaporize because i can haha i dont smoke to often
  13. Double0verhead

    Cops a knockin, Privacy issues, WTF??

    shit I bought a t-shirt off of worms way a couple months ago, if i get raided for buyin a t-shirt im gonna make sure i have a bag of shit to throw at the cops as they bust down my door
  14. Double0verhead

    Help with PH Tester

    when i put it in the pH 7.01 buffer solution it reads 7.31, how can i fix this?!?! i just bought this thing
  15. Double0verhead

    Will Carbon Filter Work Backwards?

    as long as the air in being slammed into the carbon it should work...
  16. Double0verhead

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Bonnie "Prince" Billy Galactic Weather Report Bad Brains Al Di Meola Frank Zappa Jeff Beck Oysterhead Primus S.M.V Les Claypool
  17. Double0verhead

    the what are you smoking now thread

    haha ive never heard of opium nuggets what are they like
  18. Double0verhead

    Swollen Calyx or is this a hermie?? 7 weekth of budd (Lots of Pics)

    except in your 3rd pic it kinda looks like a seed laying on your table haha why dont you just squeeze the damn thing and see if theres seeds in it
  19. Double0verhead

    Swollen Calyx or is this a hermie?? 7 weekth of budd (Lots of Pics)

    look good to me, those single little calyx that randomly pop up on branches are usually what i smoke when im trimming, haha they usually drier than the rest of the plant so you can pop them off and load up a nice bowl of calyx's