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  1. afrawfraw

    Post your favorite youtube video here!!!!!!!!!

  2. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    We're arguing. I want to agree. He wants....He wants.... A PH pen?
  3. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Concur means Agree. What I MEANT was I thought it looked like a fun time. THEN I CONCURRED that with forest cover, it offers more privacy, which agrees with you liking it's appearance. I like something for a different reason, but still CONCUR that it's pleasing, as it is to you. P.S. Concur...
  4. afrawfraw

    My girl's are dying :(

    I didn't see any one touch on this. Sorry if I missed a post. Softened water is evil. EVIL! Grab DISTILLED water from the store or find a water source (Neighbor with permission?) that's not softened. Water softeners use SODIUM CHLORIDE to suspend micro nutrients that can cause sediment in...
  5. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    It DID look like a hoot. I concur.
  6. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    PH. Myth. Just add 3 butt hairs per 50 gallons and mix the nutrients up. Done deal. :lol:
  7. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Sorta, accept that native plants had ooooo a few million years at the least, to adapt. Where is your strain from? Dutchland/africa/sweden/columbia...Hee hee... I'm not saying that was the problem, but find an gardener that recommends foliage feeding at 5.9, and I'll show you a misguided...
  8. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I'll chalk this up to a little too much puff puff in the morning...LOL. Ph of 5.9 is ACIDIC. Rofls and oat meal!
  9. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Nice angry white man music. Lol. Not bad at all.
  10. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    My fathers family is Jewish, my mothers' Episcopalian. Every time they start trying to preach, I tell them,"YES! I'm interested! Tell me about 1 Timothy 2:12, or 1 Samuel 15:3, or Psalm 137:9! Watch their face as they read!
  11. afrawfraw

    How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

    I'm afraid I don't see your point. The federal gov't ALWAYS has to step in. And you think people who are educated in Texas will STAY in Texas!? No, they will move to your state and operate trains and planes. Delusions should NOT be tolerated! Just look at what some states are trying to pass...
  12. afrawfraw

    How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

    Great in theory, but without federal funds, schools can teach creationism and other ridiculous garbage. Also, states with lower populations will have terrible schools. Where do you think that federal money goes? Not just for cash for schools, but to investigate and weed out the ignorant crazy...
  13. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Trial and error is the back bone of the scientific method! Sounds like you got it!
  14. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Good luck! I'm an Atheist, so I can't pray for you. I guess I'll just smoke this bowl in honor of your new job. Then I will arrange your new job. Give me a moment. You'll get the job I send you soon enough. :clap:
  15. afrawfraw

    How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

    So cold war Russia!? Yikes! Cutting Education and science fucks a country. Tried and true fact.
  16. afrawfraw

    How Concerned Are You About Class Warfare In This Country?

    When I can no longer feed my family, I will take what my family needs and any one who tries to stop me from feeding my babies will meet death swiftly. Ever seen a "Bread Riot"? The cops stand down because they know they're fucked if they try to stop thousands of angry starving people. Add to the...
  17. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    Score! Galaxy dimmables are the shiznit! Digilux I believe is a Hortilux designed for Digital ballasts. So sweetness upon you...
  18. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    For a focused beam, nothing beats a Chrome Dome bulb. For full spectrum, used open or with a reflector, I would roll with a Digilux, seeing as how you are running Digi ballasts.
  19. afrawfraw

    Club 600

    I might have posted this already! Guaranteed to cheer you up, if you like music. J4J7MzltTcs&feature=related