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  1. simisimis

    would these lights work

    your question gives only two options 13w and 26w cfl, so if spending on hid is not an option then- it depends on what are u willing to yield and how long you want to veg and flower. but vegging for 4 weeks and flowering 8, you could get 2-3oz per both plants with 250-300w of 26w version cfls. i...
  2. simisimis

    enough light?

    color would do fine but it's 21W and its 3 feet long... so this light is not enough, If I would need to use from what you have, I would put 2 cfl per plant for first 3 weeks it should be fine, so 5 cfls with that t5 is even better for vegging. Of course it depends on how long you want to veg...
  3. simisimis

    2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

    This weekend I was getting C99 from hanger to ice-cream boxes. Well main Cindy as expected yielded less than my last 148W cfl grow(40g). Will post pics when get back home. This time I got 1oz(28g) from main and 8g from the clone, yup, one root bounded stem managed to yield 2/7 of what 23 LSTed...
  4. simisimis

    Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

    Got so frustrated this morning. 6 days ago I bought from ebay microkote bottle for $10 with $15 shipping cost, it supposed to land in uk, and somebody would ship it to me from there. 2oz bottle+shipping from uk to nl... Yup, that much I care for them :)) And still package was not shipped and I...
  5. simisimis

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    i totally agree with you about P, i learned it the hard way :) but i was more concerned about K. but if you say it's splitting hair than ofc, not worth further discussion about it. 3-1-2 plus camgsu supplement ftw :))
  6. simisimis

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    amazing thread, took me a month to read by peeking when awake, before sleep etc. for those who read first 6 pages and then go to the end of the thread to ask questions that have been asked: C'MON.. even with duplicate q and repeated answers, so many covered topics, thank you! UB i wanted also...
  7. simisimis

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    well i just looked at ur EJ pistils and their all brown, trichs are invisible to judge on them :))
  8. simisimis

    2nd Grow: PC & Cabinet combo

    sweet man, your asm looks like have the same nute problems, but maybe not :) slh cola at least for me is very dense and fat, love how that plant has a decent stem to suppot heavy colas... looks like ull be having a log dense nugs man, keep it up
  9. simisimis

    Inspecting Trichomes?

    i have x45 and its still not enough to see clear decent view, waiting for x100 to be delivered, also check for mini microscope x60-x100 in you can get gadget like this for like $7 and no shipping cost..
  10. simisimis

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    yeah, delivery cost is so much annoying, in the end i got tired of trying to find somewhere else so i just ordered from there, i was assuming that since ur located in us for u itll be cheaper, anyway service was wonderful, i got my package despatched next day, 3more days i had it alr, so curring...
  11. simisimis

    Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

    yeah man, I'm curious too :))) found today my Aptus CaMg-boost % listing, somebody wrote aptus an email asking for specific details and got this answer: Aptus CaMg-Boost : 9% N , 9% CaO , 2% MgO + 20% amino-acids it's just that everything I've read so far everybody talked about macros and...
  12. simisimis

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    I bought it from here: had to spend like $13 for delivery and $10 for the item itself, but I thought since I am becoming guru on smoking why not to invest extra in taste :))) I keep my buds in 32oz icecream box, so 1 of that pack did...
  13. simisimis

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    Yes, you said that you have very dry environment and buds are drying faster than they should? anyway after about a week, when stems start snapping, you start curring, and if humidity is bellow 57% curring stops so chorophyl does not evaporate that efficiently, if it's above 69% mold is more...
  14. simisimis

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    well for me boveda 62% did the job, took less than 24 hours to see the difference... buds scent to my nose became like harmonic melody to my ears lol.. really good thing in a place where i have like 35-40rh..
  15. simisimis

    Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

    Pics of this morning. 6 days into flowering. There is some curly growing at a lower part and some margins curling up. Not sure what it is, but suspecting heat stress. Here are some pics. Zamaldelica: Destroyer:
  16. simisimis

    2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

    some update on SLH. Still fighting with her deficiencies and excess. Foxtailing at the upper part, bleaching on the lower, downward cupping in the middle. Argh... Gave today some feeding, a bit less of grow food, added some cal mag, liquid see weed. Will see how it will react. I made a mistake...
  17. simisimis

    Pure psychedelic sativa 12/12 from seed 150W HPS grow

    Day 10 since seeds sprouted. Because of lack of space in a grow room and I did not have a spare timer, I kept those seeds 24/0 for 5 days and on 11th of May, after I harvested two of my plants, I switched zamal and dest to 12/12. so today is 5th day into flowering. I'll make some pics after I'll...
  18. simisimis

    2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

    yeah, it was 50% off and free shipping, also i ordered 1x 8oz bottle.. so probably was not worth the effort. anyway, simple - "sorry we can't" would have been nice to get... don't take it personally Kite, this no way was meant to you, you are not responsible for some companies behaviour. thanks...
  19. simisimis

    2nd grow. C'99 and Super Lemon Haze(feminized)

    arhhhhh.... frustration.. I went to my credit cards internet banking and saw that microkote refunded money back to my account... really??? after 11 days, ignoring two emails and just refunding money... is this really a way to treat somebody who went to their website and clicked buy button... i...