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  1. blowingupjake

    What's wrong with my Sativa?

    Personally, I would probably just leave her in the pot she's in now. As others have stated earlier there isn't much root growth going on now so no sense in transplanting and adding even more stress. If you want to go big league, and have some extra cash, a ppm meter would help in this...
  2. blowingupjake

    What's wrong with my Sativa?

    Sativa power! Who needs coffee!? Yep. She's a bit burned. The trouble with time release fertilizer is that when you flush you may actually be releasing more nutrients into the soil. Lesson learned, I'm sure. Sativa varieties generally don't like very much food, and when they are unhappy it's...
  3. blowingupjake


    Ive found (and many others have too)that the MNS Haze crosses are super sensitive to nutrient values... not saying that's the issue, but something to double check for sure. One of my CH cuts would herm HARD if fed after week 6. This last run I left her starving and she finished without a...
  4. blowingupjake

    Flowering male cannabis plant, when removed from flower room an placed in back yard....

    My very limited education has me thinking that the male who turned female is not good breeding stock. That is an inter-sex trait and not something you want to pass on to the progeny. The pollen would not produce feminised seeds. Maybe one of the real breeders will chime in with more info...
  5. blowingupjake


    No doubt man, that's why I'm retiring the CH cut I've had for a bit and opening up the La Nina and Mango Haze straws! Its so funny that you say that about people and indica's. People are so unwilling to try something new.... More fluffy sativa nugs for us! Wouldn't have it any other way...
  6. blowingupjake


    Nice report Goldberg! La Nina is next on my list! Just gotta clear out the remaining Critical Haze clones to make some room. As a side note- Critical Haze is the biggest yielder I've ever grown! Definitely up there for commercial status. Potency is nice too. Keep up the Nice work! Jake
  7. blowingupjake

    Ridiculous and need some off

    Any chance you got the wrong bag? Maybe it was an honest mistake... Doesn't sound like it...but maybe?
  8. blowingupjake


    Dude- screw that noise! I'm perfectly happy pheno hunting through MNS gear and my own pollen chucks. I guess to keep my money local I will go see Ben at Centennial. I'm hearing good things about his Otto line....
  9. blowingupjake

    what could cause this

    It looks overwatered to me.... Jake
  10. blowingupjake


    Still waiting for my chance to run Aspen OG, Ambulance and Jabberwocky...
  11. blowingupjake


    This is my favorite cut in the garden. It came from a Walkabout pack. I've been calling this cut Koala Berry.
  12. blowingupjake


    Running a few different MNS at all times! Critical Haze is pictured here, about 7 weeks in.
  13. blowingupjake

    Flying Into Denver..

    Most shops in Aurora are open late enough to help you. Denver county will all be closed by the time you get into the state.
  14. blowingupjake

    Happy 420 Coloradans

    You too braddah. Nice pic
  15. blowingupjake

    Serious BubbleGum 9 week strain?

    Yes, absolutely. The tall girl may take a month longer, or a week longer, just let her do her thing. You are witnessing different phenotypes expressing themselves. Also, Sativas usually take longer to actually start flowering, something to be aware of.
  16. blowingupjake

    Does anyone know how to make hash oil with water?

    Despite my rather sarcastic tone and your , shall we say, communications blunder, you seem like my kind of guy. I agree that we owe respect to the plant that gives so much, to so many. A lot of people do take advantage of the power of cannabis, but the general human populous is self serving...
  17. blowingupjake

    Does anyone know how to make hash oil with water?

    Bro. Before you start preaching to us you should know a few things: Me: home owner. Upper management professional in HEALTH CARE. Business owner. Medical Marijuana user. Medical marijuana care giver. Oh, yeah, not even 30 yet. Same story for a lot of other members. You, yourself, perpetuated the...
  18. blowingupjake

    Does anyone know how to make hash oil with water?

    Hahahahahahah. I did not even notice that! Someone got up on the wrong side of the cot this morning!
  19. blowingupjake

    Does anyone know how to make hash oil with water?

    Dude, what's your problem? The only one coming off like an idiot here is.... Well I will not finish that sentance... Look at the rules for RIU, smart guy. If you have nothing constructive to say you should just move on. There is no need to insult someone for asking questions.
  20. blowingupjake

    Will this harvested plant reveg?

    If you have t5s stick it under there. I've had great success revegging under t5 but very little success with hid.