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  1. Hedgehunter

    Marijuana Prices

    southwest , 150-200 is the rate for a nice oz here, sprayed is cheaper
  2. Hedgehunter

    Marijuana Prices

    these prices have gone up about 25% since 2007 !!!
  3. Hedgehunter

    weed that doesnt smell ????

    some great advice, cheers
  4. Hedgehunter

    weed that doesnt smell ????

    hey all, growing some new strain and im in week 8 , weird thing is the grow room (11 3ft plants) hardly smell at all, iv not even bothered plugging in the carbon, does a nice sweet smell mean a stronger weed ?
  5. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    thanks for the replies , anything else i need to know ... also what ae the chances il bump into anyone willing to sell some gear ??
  6. Hedgehunter

    Anybody else having trouble trying to unload their crop?

    we get lots of US 'cops' style shows here and all the people caught were told they would get a lighter sentence if they grassed up their dealers...and so on
  7. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    ok thanks, what about shopping ?
  8. Hedgehunter

    Anybody else having trouble trying to unload their crop?

    an 1/8 here (UK) goes for about 30usd and a oz for 180-200usd
  9. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    would you tip in a mcdonalds ?
  10. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    have you ever not tipped ? i cant see myself doing that unless i somthing really bad happens
  11. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    ok , thanks for the comprehensive answer, 20% is an easy amount to get to and seems fair enough, (about what i pay here in a restaurant) does it not get on your nerves having to tip everyone for even the smallest of service though ?
  12. Hedgehunter

    U can smoke with anyone...who?

    bob marley all the way !
  13. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    cheers all, i dont mind tipping but i think our way of having everything priced into the service seems better !! so if i go to the bar a buy 2 drinks i tip each time they serve me ? and i go hit a blackjack table with a few 100 i tip before i play ? 10 dollars ? maybe more after if i win ??
  14. Hedgehunter

    calling all americans

    hey , planning a trip to vagas.... whats the situation with tipping ? we dont have to tip anyone here (uk) although i (and most...) will tip if had a good meal or give the cab driver the change from a fare... who and how much is do you tip ? 10%?? cheers kiss-ass
  15. Hedgehunter

    Any tips on how to sell your stuff?

    i know the business inside out, its not easy dealling with kg's and having to put your trust in other people on you not getting nicked.
  16. Hedgehunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    9 times out of ten you will be fine, my mate sends a few oz back to himself in a poster tube every few months.
  17. Hedgehunter

    Told my mom they were tomatoes

    grow chilli's , more fun and loads more tasty !
  18. Hedgehunter

    Seedling Bent Over [PICS]

    my first thought is 'lol' .... it will be fine, more light and let the soil dry out completly, you should spray water seedlings,otherwise it can damage their small weak roots !
  19. Hedgehunter

    Droopy Leaves, alge + PICS

    way to much water dude, let the roots dry !
  20. Hedgehunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    go online mate