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  1. crawlintbss

    Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% (Suitable for extraction?)

    Sounds like you're on the right path. I did alot of research on all the methods as well before trying. Qwiso is deff easiest and cheapest way to start, as stated before going big $ on setups. Ive been doing the qwiso method for awhile and enjoying it. I will wait for good weather here before...
  2. crawlintbss

    awesomest oil rig

    yeah local shop has some of the sickest shit ive seen.
  3. crawlintbss

    awesomest oil rig

    Gonna pick up one of these sick ass looking cup rigs soon! starbucks one looks pretty sweet lol the dabuccino lmao
  4. crawlintbss

    My babies are growing slow and curling

    twice a day for those small of plants sounds like too much
  5. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    yeah the first time i did qwiso i got the powder and was so upset. once i formed it with a little wax and kneeding it was usable and i was satisfied, until it turned to shatter. lol Heres a pic of how it ends up when i tilt near the end. just enough to see the color of the wax and makes it...
  6. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    yeah this last one stayed , what i would call taffy. ( at room temp its fairly stiff but with finger warmth for like 10 ssec its very "taffy" like and flimsy and easy to grab piece and pull off with fingers ) My others that i did hotwater baths on, ended out more like shatter. Ive gotten the...
  7. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    deffinitely usable. Seems like diff evap methods will give you the different consistencies. My last run was using hot griddle. which i prefer now. faster evap and easily controlled with a temp gun.
  8. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    sounds like you had a good outcome to me. usually my 1st wash is more brittle then second. i would guess due to more fats and such starting to be pulled out in the later washes, yet they still come out looking and smoking great. I like where its not breaking and shooting pieces all over, but...
  9. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    yeah that stuff in pic is actually pretty taffy. I can mold whatever hit i want in fingers and put on dabber, which i love! Let me know how it goes dude. I used dense stuffb efore too. i just break it up a bit more. maybe to like size of marbles or so if its dense. ISO will still get all the...
  10. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    Yeah i use nitrile gloves too and i tihnk they just got too slippery lol Specs in your product sound like maybe when you did the pour some jumped to the evap dish. ive had that happen before. oh well. lol From what ive read, the act of swirling is to keep the chloropyll to a minimum or none...
  11. crawlintbss

    Help with QWISO hash from grinder

    electric griddle vapes my run in under an hour at 120.
  12. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    Possibley run smaller quantity washes too. maybe take that oz and split to 1/4 and do 1/4 wash at a time. Then you can do at least 3 washes off the 1/4. I do 1/4 at a time and combine washes 1and2 then 3and4 together to make 2 larger ending yields. you could even go to extent of setting it up...
  13. crawlintbss

    What to do with little kief

    please do share how you are getting over 30% yield. Pics too. Lets hope its not black/green garbage.
  14. crawlintbss

    1st attempt at QWISO

    Looks a tad dark, most likely due to longer wash. I only do 20sec swirls. 30sec max including the time it took to pour in iso. Doesnt look bad at all tho. nice amber. What way did you evap? i keep all of mine just in parch paper in a cig box wit no problems so far.
  15. crawlintbss

    Heat or no heat evaping QWISO

    Ive tried fan only evap, water baths and hotplate. I prefer the hotplate. keep it at 120 or lower on qwiso temps and it takes like a hour to evap. scrape to center and let it sit at 110 for about 30mins or so to get any last iso out. Scraped to a nice sap/bend and snap consistency. Air evap...
  16. crawlintbss

    What to do with little kief

    2.5gs off 7g ? how the hell you getting those numbers? qwiso or bho? even on very HQ weed ive gotten like 1.5, and thats with 5 washes. Just curious on your method for small 1/4oz batches.
  17. crawlintbss

    (FIRST CFL GROW)*PICS*How Are My Plants Looking ?

    those ratings are the nutrient ratings. Miracle gro always adds a slight bit to any soil they have. Its very miniscule for that ratio. It should help for first few weeks and just water it only then start nutrients. Read up on NPK ratings for soils. Thats your nutrients rating/levels. Then...
  18. crawlintbss

    (FIRST CFL GROW)*PICS*How Are My Plants Looking ?

    guarentee that MG organic has some premixed light dose of nutes in that soil. If its the organic choice garden soil it has 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.10
  19. crawlintbss

    (FIRST CFL GROW)*PICS*How Are My Plants Looking ?

    Look into stuff like Bone meal and blood meal. Lowes carrys plenty of ferts that will work. They have everything form miracle grow to organics. superthrive. Just search the forum, read some peoples grow journals and see what they are using. Research other companies chemicals and see thier...
  20. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I guess iso tends to shatter alot. Suprisingly this last run, with using a hotplate has gotten all my batches to a slight glass/sap consistency. Warm in fingers for a few mins and easy to get a pull off of. Checked out my 1st run after a few days of sitting at room temp and it glassed out...