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  1. crawlintbss

    R&R and Zigzag's first attempt at qwet

    dang was looking forward to it. if you have to do the single pictuare at a time uploader, make sure after you pic the picture, hit that little link under the text that say upload pic. it should drop it into the text field and then you can do it all again.
  2. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    suprisingly i forgot that i had poured even a 5th run for the hell of it. looked slightly green so i said fuck it. went and looked at it today and it air dried out, so i heated and scraped. to my suprised it was a nice golden still. i piled to middle and heated at 120 for 30mins then scraped...
  3. crawlintbss

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Thanks dude! Ill be reading all 340pages of this thread to gain more knowledge and prep. great stuff!
  4. crawlintbss

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    Wow great grow journal dude! Really itchn to start my first grow now. cant wait for spring!
  5. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Im getting the same issue. I believe it has to do with either java/shockwave or flash. we probably have a update somewhere that needs to be done.
  6. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Interesting. I may try that on one of my nexts runs to see.( Im an impatient mofo, so waiting 24hrs is painstaking for me lol ) every pic ive seen of people doing the long air evap method, always seems to come out powdery/dryish hard to scrape hash. i scraped mine around 110 so it was all a...
  7. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    latest run. Wonder Dog 7g run - QWISO 4 quick 20sec washes. all came out very light light yellow so i figured 4 still got a little something and was done there. combined 1 and 2 together and 3 and 4. all frozen. extracted in garage which was nice 20deg. evapped on hot griddle staying around...
  8. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    any hotplate temperature recommendations for qwiso ? or same as bho style temps?
  9. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    greatly appreciate the input. Looks like im just going to stay with my swirl n pour method. But going to try the hotplate evap/purge method this time instead of hot water. Guessing im gettin the shatter like consitency due to properly extracting and getting a good pure batch. Mine come out...
  10. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    Nice dab! Yeah ive been doing the air evap or slight hotwater bath to aid in evap. Im just an impatient person when it comes to waiting for things lol. Gonna try out the oakley method, as im not liking the shatter consitancy to much. seems like i end up using it up faster since i cant just...
  11. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    wow thats quiet the iso wash! lol
  12. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    looks good dude. Ive been doing 20sec washes. counting starts right after the pour. usually been doing the swirl and pour method with hot water bath and changing water every 20mins. Next run this weekend im going to try oakleys pour thru method with a larger batch and using a elec griddle. and...
  13. crawlintbss

    Mixing for Winterizing BHO

    looks nice! Im guessing you let it cool on a razor then snap it off?
  14. crawlintbss

    first time with vac

    Im new here too but ill help you out. 2 threads belows yours is a tutorial. read this. its all trial and error.
  15. crawlintbss

    Heating Element options

    Thanks for your input! Are you able to get max vac with a hand vac? everything ive read, people cant reach full vac or its rediculous constant pumping to get to that vac pressure. Im strictly ISO for now so im fairly curious about this for hotwater evapping iso. Each heater can do 100deg...
  16. crawlintbss

    Heating Element options

    So ive been doing lots of reading and research on here, and reading everyones methods and techniques. What are some good options as far as heating elements for doing the evaporate/purge method? I see some using the hotplate and mentioning they leave it going over nite sometime( long vacs for...
  17. crawlintbss

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    .5 shatter piece from a run from few nites ago. this is 2nd wash pic. crappy lighting. with light its very light yellow and see thru.
  18. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    yeah the heating up a few times was one thing i was thinking of doing but if im killing off terps then i dont wanna bother. ill try out the warming the dabber tip idea. didnt even think about that. obv not torching or ill just melt my shit right there lol. my 3rd wash seems to come out to a...
  19. crawlintbss

    Qwiso q&a

    how is everyone handling thier shatter? im prefering the more of a snap n pull type consistency, but my first 2 run/washes always end up to shatter. annoying with pieces breaking all over. Any tricks to warm it up fast to make it slightly pliable? aside from warming in your fingers for like...
  20. crawlintbss

    Oil in my QWISO & Am I doin it right?

    Looks just like what im getting as well. nice golden taffy result. Im gettin the slight powdering as well. i just kneed it in with a little of the sticky stuff.