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  1. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    are they outside - ish. like a garage or outbuilding of some sort?
  2. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    How warm is the temp where you all are germinating?
  3. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    usually my place is around 70 degrees, but colder at night. I'm in Maine so outside it is quite cold.
  4. seedycharacter

    Seed germination methods

    ok, sure. I just went through some seed germination over the last couple of weeks. I kept my seeds in a paper towel on a plate inside a sealed glass bowl with a rubber top and kept it on top of my running game boy, which kept it fairly warm. I had to put something under the bowl to keep it...
  5. seedycharacter

    Lil help with determining when to harvest

    Have heard the term coco a few times over the last few days, not familiar. what is it?
  6. seedycharacter

    Lil help with determining when to harvest

    I just started my 1st indoor crow using hydro, nutes.... what is the benefit of flushing supposed to be?
  7. seedycharacter

    Lil help with determining when to harvest

    I am just growing my 1st indoors. Hydroponics, nutes... What is the flushing supposed to be good for?
  8. seedycharacter


    I know someone who used it for years. Said he had to leave the state he was living in and move to the other side of the country to get away from it.
  9. seedycharacter


    why are you asking?
  10. seedycharacter

    best grow boxes on the market

    I got a Colorado grow box and I have never bought anything from such a backward ass company. almost everything was there, but they had some of the items mislabeled. ph up and down were backward for instance. Makes for some difficulty