Search results

  1. isthislegal

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    I have been searching for hydroponic perpetual threads for over a year and didn't even see this thread..I've got a lot of reading to do!!! :hump:
  2. isthislegal

    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    Congrats on the start and finish Drop! You're a big motivation to me as well man...I have gotten started, but I won't be doing a journal. Please post pics of the "NEW" set up as soon as my current setup is essentially based off of yours! Thanks again and happy tokin my man!
  3. isthislegal

    new to hydro lets give it ago

    lookin good Teggi...I'm watching.
  4. isthislegal

    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    Hey Dropa, very nice grow & saw it all the way through...despite the setbacks. I still haven't started yet, but this grow was a big help as well as motivation for me. Thanks man...buds look great.
  5. isthislegal

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    Excellent for a first grow...shit shit shit..your the fucking man!!!!!!!! Hats off to ya brotha, I hope I can be so lucky on my first go for the weight...i'll go with 2.923
  6. isthislegal

    iPod Touch flashlight grow

    Whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa.........I was under the impression that the only stupid questions are the ones that you don't ask! Or do they just tell us that so we can ask something insanely stupid while they laugh at our expense?
  7. isthislegal

    Roto-Grow Journal

    Man your journal is wonderful...very detailed...I appreciate and respect the time you took to put this together, because you surely didn't have to. Looking good and thanks again.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  8. isthislegal

    3 plants almost 3 pounds!

    I dont have the ballzage<<<new word? lol seriously though, I dont have the nerve to even attempt to pull of a grow that big...i'm already paranoid as it is... maybe if i lived in a more isolated area... EXCELLENT GROW REF!
  9. isthislegal

    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    Aww man everytime I come back to this thread I almost cry............TEARS OF JOY!!! Your setup is so beautiful and to see those plants growing so gracefully in there.......lets me know what my closet can be, seeing as its similar in size. Thanks for keeping us updated bro. I got a few more...
  10. isthislegal

    clone of a clone of a clone of a clone.....

    you have obviously forgotten your towel...
  11. isthislegal

    Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.

    This thread is wonderful...I haven't started yet, but I have alot of my equipment...NOT ALL of my equipment i.e I was gonna half ass it on the ventilation, but after reading this thread, im just gonna postpone starting until I have everything right...Keep em coming!!!
  12. isthislegal

    3x3x6 space. 400w or 600w hps?

    I haven't started yet, but I have mounted my 400 in a 3 x 3 x 7.5 closet......I left it on over night, and it got HOT!!! A 600 would definitely be over kill. hey koi, keep in touch man, maybe we can help each other out since we have the same size closet...i'm still trying to figure out the best...
  13. isthislegal

    Indoor Growing Systems
  14. isthislegal


    Just curious as to why it has to be a "black" cellmate with a huge dick.... or maybe Haluk is just a huge dick....:cuss:
  15. isthislegal

    My Super Grow Room
  16. isthislegal

    My Super Grow Room

    Listen my are logged on to a gold mine of knowledge. Instead of taking your time and "STUDYING" something, you post on page 96 of a dead thread about 'how long from seed'...come on man, there is a search button right up top.........use it. You also had enough gall to ask the...
  17. isthislegal

    My Super Grow Room

    lmao.... 9 months from seed to flower....:clap: since you decided that you wanted an easy answer, without even attempting to look for it...i gave you a simple "WRONG" answer... how about you go to google and type in "how long does it take to grow from seed"
  18. isthislegal

    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    lookin good bro, i'm still with ya!