Search results

  1. Katatawnic

    JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

    Well, I do remember getting a PM from you like years ago :lol: after we'd posted in a "I met a fellow RIU member face-to-face" thread, and I thought I'd replied till I realized much later that I didn't. :oops: (OK, so a couple months ago! I think it's still somewhere in my inbox. LOL!) I live...
  2. Katatawnic

    JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

    I've been planning on building SCROG screens, but having followed this GJ, I'm thinking vertical SCROG now. :mrgreen: BTW, you've got a new YT subscriber. ;) Looks like a cuddly :hug: yummy :weed: teddy bear!
  3. Katatawnic

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    I just can't keep up with your threads, nor AK's! They move WAY too fast! :lol: But if it helps any, I'm always lurking. :hug: Contemplated entering the competition, but I don't know when I'll be able to replace my camera, and I also don't know if I feel up to feeling "obligated" to do updates...
  4. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    OK, if you insist... :lol: I could've sworn I quoted that one this afternoon, too! It was indeed very informative, and bookmarked! :D :lol: That's funny right there! :clap: Is this extraction to which you're referring in that YT vid discussed earlier? :confused: Who knows? If...
  5. Katatawnic

    Party Cup CFL Grow

    :shock: In a little party/picnic cup?! :clap: (Yeah, finally getting around to catching up on posts, after you harvested! :oops: LOL)
  6. Katatawnic

    Calling all L,S,T ers

    Oh yeah, they've got those at the $1+ store next to my house, a pack of 50 for $1. :mrgreen: I do use twist ties, but also use these and paper clips. They work great, and are indeed very easy for repositioning. :D
  7. Katatawnic

    Any chance of RE VEG? pics...

    Your first photo's plant might reveg; heavy on the "might" though. Not much foliage left. If you've got the room, then go for it. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. ;) Make sure you feed with a high N food, or revegging is unlikely with our without sufficient foliage. :D
  8. Katatawnic

    Calling all L,S,T ers

    Trust me, they still get plenty of light. ;) It doesn't appear that way, because they're of course shaded by the foliage above them. Think of an apple tree... you'll find many large, beautiful, delicious apples on the very bottom branches, in all that shade. The more the fan leaves get direct...
  9. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    You read that whole thing, Doc? :shock: You really are a glutton for punishment! :lol: :hug: "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst" has been my mantra since I was about 11 yrs. old. Helps prevent too much of a let down, most often anyway. ;)
  10. Katatawnic

    Calling all L,S,T ers

    This is where my first grow was the day I flipped to 12/12: Looks pretty comparable to where yours are now. What size pots? Mine were 3 gallon pots. They look developed enough to flip if you feel they're ready. If you want them to be larger, then veg longer. Sorry to not be able to say...
  11. Katatawnic

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    DOH! :shock: I haven't burped my jars yet today! :lol: Thanks for the reminder! :mrgreen:
  12. Katatawnic

    Calling all L,S,T ers

    Well, although I don't lollipop anymore (only the first grow), I do trim off any leaves that end up pushed down into the dirt or even really blocking air circulation or watering access. The last photo in my post above shows this (I'll repost it since it's on a previous page), if you look at the...
  13. Katatawnic

    Calling all L,S,T ers

    I'm missing some photos. :( I lollipopped a couple weeks into bloom due to insufficient air circulation and no money to rectify the issue at the time, but I haven't done that since. Last photo is from a different plant, which I started growing a bit after the first one... beginning with that...
  14. Katatawnic

    Getting a Card is too easy for ANYONE!!!!!! is where I found my local doctor and no longer had to drive to Hollywood. The site provides a search by zip code or by county for doctors, dispensaries, delivery services, etc. Also has a lot of "how to" stuff on there; much of it appears to be classes with fees, but...
  15. Katatawnic

    I DONT CARE WAT U SAY! im doin it!

    Prepare for the need of a much larger pot if it's going to veg another several months! :hump: dodobird, when I tie my plants down, the leaves look kinda "sad" for a short while. By the next morning, they're all wide open and perky as ever. They just gotta reposition themselves to reach for the...
  16. Katatawnic

    We Are the Other People

    I love snake hugs! :mrgreen: Hubby wants to get a snake (boa, orange-something-or-other) after our roommie has moved on (he's terrified of reptiles), and I highly approve.
  17. Katatawnic

    We Are the Other People

    How is "you shall most surely die" undefined? "Die" means "die" -- no defining necessary. Remember, too, that Yahweh said that they'd most surely die on the day that they consumed the fruit. Yet they lived, and propagated, for hundreds of years after the incident. NOTE: Any remark from...
  18. Katatawnic

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    LOL! I'm sure T would agree; he loves Spongebob. :lol: This room has no windows, so it would naturally be my grow room... very little to no work needed to block out light! :mrgreen: Here's the Spa/PT room. I've got some exercise equipment that, when used gently, helps to loosen up my...
  19. Katatawnic

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I was preparing for part one of a two-parter harvest a week ago, and am glad I go by the "measure twice, cut once" mantra... the lower buds, believe it or not, were done "baking" while the top ones were still growing lots of new pistils and showing promise of more development! Just to be sure, I...
  20. Katatawnic


    Indeed! These signatures crack me up to no end! :lol: Anyone who thinks these statements are safety nets don't think very much. :roll: The best one I came across on RIU was a signature saying that everything she posts is real and true to the best of her knowledge; none of it fake. I gave her...