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  1. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Updated Pictures of the plant's they be moved to the tent on Thursday where I can give them more light and expand the growth of these babbies, the bubble bucket should do great in there also.
  2. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Well I had to call my soil grow a loss! the plants got infected/infested with spider mit's real bad, it got out of hand before I could do anything and it seemed as if nothing work's on them, I can't say I tried everything I spent plenty, the plant leave looked like a deficiency problem at first...
  3. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    I had to expand ther grow cabinet to accommodate the plants. And check the links out, High Honors Indeed
  4. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Changed tank water nutes at 60ml's flora grow and 3ml's of floralicious plus, 6 drops of super thrive, ppm at 1425ppm, ph is 6.1, water temp 68.4. Bucket is 30ml grow and 3ml of floralicious plus, 3 drops of super thrive, water is 1496ppm at 6.0 ph. Have a look at their health.
  5. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    For the bubble bucket I made a portable grow tent! cost was around $30 and 30 minutes to build, have a look.
  6. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    My soil grow ended up having major problems, they got spider mit's and spread quickly, at first I had thought that it was a dificiency!! I used my 30x miroscope and found the little fucker's the plant have taken a beating from them little fuck's. I made a trip to the local hydroponics shop...
  7. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Used the second res that came with bp system to use in the tank change. I took the spare res tank I have and made sure it was clean then set it in place of the other one filled it with 3 gal plan ph'ed water and 3 gals nutes, I'll see how they do on the 3 parts plan and 3 parts nute. I moved...
  8. npsant

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Roseman! Yes! very cool check it out, 14 days on nutes.
  9. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Here is a tip if your tank temps are above 74 degrees consistently you will have multiple problems, ph, root rot, algae so on, I have been keeping my tank temps in the 60's and low low low 70's, and all the problems I was experiencing went a way, yes it is hard to keep the temps in the 60's...
  10. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Day 6 of Nutrients tomorrow I will empty the tank clean it, and up the nutrients to 2 gals, (1/3) 2 galleons mixed 4 gal plan ph'ed after mixed. Have been able to keep the tank at or around 68.04 degrees. Todays Pic's
  11. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Everything is working out the bubble system is working great so far. I am planning to rework the seeds I puchase to short season, short grow time, and go for a multitple setup, consisting aeroponics and dwc+d, some material I am reading has opened my eye's to what direction I need to go, this...
  12. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    The plant befor the 11 3 09 had stalled out and we're not growing, the tanks temp we're going up and, got that under control tank stays in the low low 70's or just at 68.8 good deal, the nutrients have done their jub the plants have been growing like crazy show real growth progress. Believe...
  13. npsant

    New Member, First AG Grow.

    Hay gang just wanted to drop in and check out the aeroponics systems, I plan to build my own system but wanted to see what the most popular aeroponics system people here use, I found it's best to research it first and then make a choice of the most popular of systems to build, right now I am...
  14. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    The humidifier does help cool! the longer it was on it cooled the cabinet down from 80.1 to when is left closed around 72.4 and has dipped down to 70.2, so it works! and it works great laeving it connected and will by another for the tent. So I would like to Introduce tp you the mini swamp...
  15. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    Okay the result is that the temp did come down from 81.8 to 79.1 not a whole lot but that helps keeps it just a bit cooler by 2.7 degrees and should help if we have to run the house heater this winter or I'll just vent to the outside and pull the cool air in.
  16. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    I am running a small experiment on cooling! don't know if it will work or not! but I am placing the humidifer outside the metal cabinet grow by the intake vent to see if this will help in cooling down even more! the cabinets inside temp! I noticed it first in my tent much larger area! and it...
  17. npsant

    First Time Bubble Grow - lots of pics frm strt to now!

    You need a whole lot more cfl's or a small hps light, just my opinion.:peace:
  18. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    I got everything all completed, introduced nutes, and came home from working today and found the plants have grown, 3 gained 2" and the runt is showing growth now with new leaves, pretty cool gotta say. have a look these are today, date top left corner. The other improvement is the 150 watt...
  19. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    After a long day I returned home to find that the plants in the bp system had grown quite a bit today after nutrients we're introduced to the plants, looking good and growing.
  20. npsant

    New to indoor soil and bubbleponics

    I got the tank and nutrients in the water and the cabinet is pretty much completed, I upgraded to a 150 watt hps, cabinet a little cooler also with the 150 hps and works out to be prefect for the size of the cabinet. I was convinced by the owner of the hydroponics store Flora Nova is the...