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  1. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    ROFLMAO!!!!! Wow! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  2. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    Oh, and stop quoting Richard Dawkins...What IS that? I can assume you believe what most muslims do, because you study the same beliefs. Atheists can only be put into one group. People with no Deities...
  3. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    And this is where Atheists clash, you only compliment each other to certain points you agree on. Dawkins thinks humanity should follow Darwin just long enough to cast off Jesus Christ and religion as a whole etc..., then ditch Darwin in favor of following Dawkins opinion on life, the universe...
  4. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    One day another civilization will laugh at the understandings we hold dear today, both Theists AND Atheists. They will chuckle at our meager understandings of the universe, much the same way we chuckle at farmers who threw seaweed on crops without knowing "HOW" or "WHY" it worked... WE WILL ALL...
  5. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    “There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” {6:38} Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are: Orangutans (except for mother and child, who live together for three to seven...
  6. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    Mohammed began raving around 610, by the way!
  7. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    The first person to come up with the idea that stars and the Sun are the same thing, just at different distances, was Anaxagoras, in about 450 B.C. Later, Aristarchus, around 220 B.C., thought similarly. In 1600 A.D., Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun...
  8. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    But as an Atheist it's refreshing to know I covet the true knowledge and the sheeple scramble at my feet. ROFLMAO!!!
  9. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    No, not really because there is no argument and I'm just typing stuff so you'll keep reading. We pretty much have an accord on this, so...Uhh...Don't drink the Kool Aid...I'm lit...
  10. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    Bear in mind that human beings are social animals and arriving at a conclusion which is not popular requires a lot of conviction. I also find this funny; The Federal Bureau of Prisons does have statistics on religious affiliations of inmates. The following are total number of inmates per...
  11. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    "Just because one is atheist does not make them a skeptic or empiricist." - Mindphuk You would think, but statistically, it's dead on! In this age, how do you come to the conclusion, even if your parents are Atheists, that there are NO deities without second guessing everyone who claims so?
  12. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    I agree. There was a discussion about Atheists in contrast...I do not count confused folks as Atheists AS IT APPLIES AS A DEFINITION IN THESE DAYS AND TIMES...Agnostic is the label applied to undecided folks...Atheist core value=the absence of belief that any deities exist...But I skipped a step...
  13. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    See evidence of your existence above ;) And being an Atheist IS simply that you don't arrive at conclusions unless there is substantial evidence...PERIOD. Any other views are, like you said, individualistic. I wasn't attacking you. I'm sorry you felt so. Your information was just a...
  14. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    Atheism=Pagan? Oh, shit! And if you present R-E-A-L evidence to an Atheist, he/she will investigate it to the fullest, like any other evidence collected. Being an Atheist means simply that you don't arrive at conclusions unless there is substantial evidence...This is why we are skeptics! Because...
  15. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    "For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan That is all.
  16. afrawfraw

    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    I'm not going to read the whole thread, but I noticed you were using the YOYO's for your reflectors. I started using them and HATED them. Then I found XRT's pulley lock system. To lower, simply depress a tab and it releases it's hold on the cord. To raise, simply pull on the NON-load bearing...
  17. afrawfraw

    Oregon OMMP and Growers.

    The strain "MISTY" from AMS does REALLY well in Portland. I have Le fruit defendu as well, but it's a little more picky about nutes and PH...
  18. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    NO! You don't see, you accept others views as your own. You claim to have "Original Ideas" about GOD, but you don't. If you expect me to believe that you "arrived" at these conclusions through investigation, you have insulted me more than any one else on this thread! Be honest about your...
  19. afrawfraw

    Attention Atheist

    I think the TOPIC was, "Look at the world through a kaleidoscope, it's more fun this way."
  20. afrawfraw

    Little Help please

    Or a light leak?